News February 20, 2025 NGB Trade Union Guide – a new tool to prepare for crisis In the last two years, the ETF has implemented the NGB Project – No going back: Protecting rights and promoting social dialogue in aviation through times of crisis. The NGB Toolbox Suite and NGB Trade Union Guide are now available for download.
News December 12, 2024 Aviation: We are Not Going Back! ETF has been pushing for crisis preparedness amongst unions in the aviation sector through the ‘No Going Back’ Project, an EU-funded initiative. Extensive research has been done under this project, leading to the creation of practical tools that will soon be provided to all ETF affiliates and the general public.
News April 29, 2024 Navigating Crisis in Civil Aviation: Insights from Meeting in Helsinki On April 25th-26th, representatives from various civil aviation unions met in Helsinki for an intensive training session led by Kris Major, Chair of the Joint Aircrew Committee and representative of the UK’s union Unite. The training was aimed at “bringing the crisis guide to life”, infusing it with the collective experience and insight of the attendees. This guide will eventually serve as a comprehensive collection of guidelines to equip union representatives with the essential skills and support to navigate crises adequately.
News July 10, 2023 Greening Europe’s aviation sector must lead to good jobs Aviation trade unions representing manufacturing and transport workers discussed about realities of the green and digital transitions for the workforce during an aviation workshop, as part of the joint ETT-IndustriAll JT4MOBILITY project. Participants in the workshop taking place in Charleroi – an important European hub for aviation – tried to identify possible recommendations and tools to ensure that the transitions are socially responsible.
News February 17, 2023 Zero tolerance to unruly passengers Together with our European partners in sectoral social dialogue, we developed a Compendium of best practices to prevent or manage situations caused by disruptive passengers. It is the first document at the EU level presenting what aviation workers or authorities have successfully applied across Europe in civil aviation when confronted with disruptive passengers in the last few years.
resource February 17, 2023 Preventing and Managing Disruptive incidents in Civil Aviation| Compendium on best practices in Europe
News January 18, 2023 Crisis management in ATM Social Dialogue The European Social Partners’ revised toolbox for successful social dialogue in the ATM sector is out. With this updated set of tools, ETF, ATCEUC and CANSO want to build together an effective social dialogue in air traffic management.
resource January 18, 2023 Revised toolbox for successful social dialogue in air traffic management (ATM)
News December 15, 2022 No going back: Protecting rights and promoting social dialogue in aviation through times of crisis With the new EU-funded ‘No going back’ project, we want to encourage and support our affiliates to go through a transformational process to be better prepared to react to any future challenges.
News October 17, 2022 Trade unionism is the right way to move forward in Poland Proud of our Polish aviation affiliate, TOZPliN, for the successful trade union information campaign organised for LOT Polish Airlines pilots and cabin crew, despite all the obstacles on the way!
Press Release September 22, 2022 EU Social Partners in civil aviation say NO to abusive behaviour against aviation workers In a joint statement, the European Social partners in Civil Aviation agreed to join efforts to tackle one of the large spread issues which highly impacted the sector during the COVID pandemic and the summer 2022 season: the disruptive passengers.
News May 5, 2022 For a socially and environmentally sustainable aviation sector Finding new ways and solutions to address the climate crisis while making sure we fairly represent the aviation workers’ interests was the main focus of the discussions we had with members of the ETF Aviation Section these last few days in Dublin.
Projects July 3, 2020 EADT – ETF Automation and Digitalisation Toolkit The overall aim of the project is to give the ETF-affiliated transport unions concrete tools to address the challenges caused by automation and digitalisation for European transport workers. This will be achieved by compiling an ETF Automation & Digitalisation Toolkit (EADT).
News April 29, 2020 Training package – EASA Capacity Building In its project EASA Capacity Building, ETF produced a 5-part training package that is now available to download and use.
Event March 9, 2020 What does the future hold for workers in civil aviation? On 13 and 14 February, trade unionists from all sectors of the civil aviation industry gathered in Madrid to take part in the automation and digitalization (A&D) workshop. The workshop aimed to get an overview of the current state of A&D in the different civil aviation sectors around Europe, reflect on the A&D toolkit, and think about ways these topics could be tackled going forward.
Event January 7, 2020 EASA Capacity Building project – final conference On 19 and 20 November 2019, an ETF civil aviation conference brought more than 100 participants from all over Europe to Dublin. Among them were numerous workers’ representatives, as well as representatives of the European Commission and EASA – European Union Aviation Safety Agency.
Event March 9, 2019 Aviation in the spotlight at European Works Council seminar in Madrid We’ve made a great start on our project ‘EWCs in Transport: more and better participation now!’. There are specific challenges in civil aviation companies when it comes to European Works’ Councils, but ETF affiliates showed interest in addressing a number of companies that meet the requirements for the creation of a new EWC.
News February 25, 2019 Safer skies and fair employment: ETF Aviation hosts EASA seminar in Poland We’re training aviation unions to bring their expertise and interests to the European Aviation Safety Agency. We also joined a successful protest demanind stable contracts for cabin crew at LOT Polish Airlines.