News March 17, 2025 ETF and ETUI Co-Organise Training on Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence The ETF, in collaboration with the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), organised a training session titled “Training on Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence” in Brussels. The event brought together trade unionists from across Europe to discuss the growing importance of corporate accountability, sustainability, and due diligence in the transport sector and beyond.
Statement March 11, 2025 The big EU deregulation: ETF Joins over 360 organisations in a Joint Statement on the Omnibus Package The publication by the European Commission of its Omnibus proposal revising key corporate sustainability laws sends a clear political signal: President Ursula von der Leyen is deprioritising human rights, workers’ rights and environmental protections for the sake of dangerous deregulation. ETF joined over 360 organisations in a joint statement calling out on the consequences of this package.
Statement February 28, 2025 Greek Transport Workers Strike for Justice and Railway Safety on Tempi Disaster Anniversary On 28 February 2025, hundreds of thousands of Greek workers are staging a nationwide strike to honour the victims of the Tempi rail disaster and demand justice, accountability, and urgent safety measures across the transport sector. Led by the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) and supported by ETF affiliates, the strike marks the second anniversary of the tragic accident that claimed 57 lives in 2023 — the worst rail disaster in Greece’s history.
News February 27, 2025 Omnibus Package: EU Commission weakens corporate accountability and workers’ protection As foreseen last month in its Competitiveness compass, the European Commission adopted on the 26th February several new proposals to allegedly simplify EU rules for business. According to ETF, these changes will mostly weaken workers’ rights and environmental protections.
News February 19, 2025 EU Green Deal: Data Shows That Shift from Road to Rail is Not Happening The data from 2013 to 2023 makes it clear that the modal shift is nowhere near the necessary pace. While some countries have made modest progress, the overall trend is one of stagnation and missed opportunities. Achieving the Green Deal’s objectives will require stronger political will, substantial investment, and decisive action.
Statement February 14, 2025 Statement Regarding the Attack on ver.di’s Rally ETF expresses its deepest sympathy and solidarity with the victims of the tragic attack that occurred during the ver.di (Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft) trade union strike rally on Thursday morning, when a car drove into the rally, causing multiple injuries, including several very serious cases.
News February 13, 2025 Belgium: ETF Stands with Workers in Nationwide Protest Against Austerity Measures On 13 February, ETF joined Belgian trade unions in nationwide protests against the new government’s austerity measures, which threaten workers’ rights, working conditions, and public services. ETF stands in full solidarity with our Belgian affiliates as they resist unprecedented attacks on their working conditions, the integrity of their railway system, and the principles of social dialogue.
News February 7, 2025 ETF Participates in EU Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the Automotive Industry Alongside IndustriAll Europe, ETF was one of only two trade union representatives invited to the dialogue, highlighting the importance of workers’ voices in shaping the future of the automotive sector and its broader impact on the mobility ecosystem. The two European Federations have been working to shape a joint approach to encompass the views of all workers in the mobility ecosystem.
Press Release February 5, 2025 Open Letter: A competitive and resilient Europe requires a stronger EU transport budget Europe’s transport sector is the backbone of the EU internal market and outreach to the world. A strong sector is a prerequisite for building a competitive, net-zero and resilient Europe. Open letter to the Ministers of the General Affairs Council and the Ministers of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council
Statement January 29, 2025 Eager to discuss but not ready to endorse: ETF reacts to the European Commission’s Competitiveness Compass On 29 January 2025, the European Commission adopted its long-anticipated Competitiveness Compass. The communication “establishes competitiveness as one of the EU’s overarching principles for action” and outlines a roadmap featuring initiatives across several areas. Regrettably, the whole strategy is based on the assumption that the EU social model needs to be preserved. We rather believe it needs to be rebuilt.
Statement January 22, 2025 The Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages is At Risk and We Need to Defend it. On 14 January, the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Nicholas Emiliou, issued a non-binding opinion regarding Case C-19/23 of the CJEU, which could open the door to the complete annulment of the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages, following a complaint from two member states.
Statement December 17, 2024 Joint European Trade Union Statement for EU Regulation to Deliver for All Deregulation for companies and attacks on EU law protecting workers and trade union rights are not the answer to stop human and environmental rights violations by companies. The EU Due Diligence rules should “work for all”, workers and their family, business and the environment.
News December 9, 2024 ETF Joins Debate on Transport Poverty and Gender Equality at the European Parliament Addressing transport poverty requires that transport services be available, accessible, affordable, and safe for all. This includes women, seniors, young people, people with disabilities, and those with low incomes – whether they live in rural, remote, or urban areas. By prioritising these principles, policymakers can ensure equitable access to transport, enabling greater social and economic inclusion across Europe.
News December 1, 2024 World AIDS Day 2024: Unite to End Stigma, Inequalities, and Discrimination Despite significant advances in treatment and prevention, stigma and discrimination continue to impact the lives of those living with HIV. Lack of knowledge about the condition and how to protect oneself and others perpetuates misunderstanding and fear. This ignorance not only isolates individuals but also exacerbates poverty, hardship, and inequality—realities that many people living with HIV face daily.
Statement November 25, 2024 Ending Violence Against Women: A Workplace Priority Violence against women remains one of the most pervasive and devastating human rights issues globally. This reality is starkly visible in the transport sector, where workers – especially women – face high levels of violence from third parties. As we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November, we must confront this harsh truth: violence is not just a societal issue; it is a workplace issue too.
News November 19, 2024 World Toilet Day 2024: What if you didn’t have one at your workplace? We often assume that access to clean and safe sanitation for everyone is a demand of the past in Europe. However, this fundamental human right in Europe’s transport sector is still often neglected. With the lack of sanitation or its poor quality, the transport industry is driving workers away from the industry, especially women.
News November 7, 2024 ETF Women’s Committee Plenary Highlights Challenges and Progress for Women in Transport On 6 and 7 November 2024, the ETF Women’s Committee convened in Brussels for its plenary meeting, bringing together 35 participants from unions across Europe. Held at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the meeting featured discussions on pressing issues affecting women workers in the transport sector and beyond.
Statement November 5, 2024 ETF Statement on Commissioner-designate Tzitzikostas’s Hearing The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), representing millions of workers across Europe’s transport sector, listened closely to yesterday’s confirmation hearing of Commissioner-designate Apostolos Tzitzikostas. The transport sector is facing a multitude of problems and ETF is determined to build a dialogue with Mr. Tzitzikostas to address the sector’s greatest challenges. Transport workers, who keep Europe moving, deserve a sector that values their contributions and meets their needs. We will watch closely for the next steps and expect a commitment to the practical changes that will benefit all Europeans.
Publication November 4, 2024 “A Europe of closed barriers? No thanks!” Opinion by Frank Moreels, ETF President – “Things are not going well for Europe. While countries like France and Germany reintroduce border controls within the Schengen zone, one of the biggest problems facing the transportation sector remains unanswered: social dumping. Instead of undermining the core of the European project by increasing controls at internal borders, EU member states would do better to focus their energy on tackling exploitation and injustice in the transportation sector.”
News September 27, 2024 Launch of new online tool: the Transnational Restructuring Navigator Company restructuring is no longer an exceptional circumstance. It has become a daily reality faced by trade unions and workers and a regular feature across all sectors and activities. The Transnational Restructuring Navigator (TRN) is a new online, interactive tool that helps worker representatives do exactly that. It provides them with the recommended trade union approach to confronting 11 different types of transnational restructuring.
Statement September 23, 2024 Open letter to Apostolos Tzitzikostas On 20 September the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) sent an open letter to nominated Commissioner-designate for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, Apostolos Tzitzikostas.
Statement September 19, 2024 ETF Expresses Solidarity with Communities Affected by Central and Eastern Europe Floods The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and its Rail Steering Committee have issued messages of solidarity to its affiliates and the broader community in Central and Eastern Europe following the devastating floods caused by Storm Boris. This extreme weather event has had a severe impact across Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Italy and Romania, with extensive damage to infrastructure, homes, and transport systems.
News September 18, 2024 Hundreds Rally in Strasbourg Urging EU to End Exploitation in Subcontracting Chains More than 700 workers united today in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, to call upon the EU institutions to take urgent action to stop exploitation in subcontracting chains and labour intermediation. Hundreds of transport workers participated with their unions, coming from all over Europe to send a clear message to the newly appointed EU Commission.
Press Release September 9, 2024 Stop Exploitation: Joint Demonstration in Strasbourg on September 17th ETF, EFBWW (European Federation of Building and Woodworkers), and EFFAT (the European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions) will join in a first-ever joint demonstration outside the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday, 17 September 2024. The demonstration will gather more than 700 workers. We want to ensure equal treatment across subcontracting chains, regulate labour intermediation, and include the prohibition of intermediaries in posting. Enhances inspection mechanisms to protect workers’ rights.
News July 24, 2024 ETF Calls for Renewed Focus on Transport Workers’ Rights under New TRAN Committee Chair In a formal letter calling for close cooperation with the Chair and the whole Committee, ETF General Secretary Livia Spera outlined the analysis and demands contained in the Manifesto that the Federation adopted ahead of the EU elections. Central to these demands is the need to put workers at the core of EU transport policies, notably to reverse the severe labour shortage crisis that is currently plaguing the sector.
News June 25, 2024 Joint conference on austerity and public services ETF, in collaboration with EPSU and ETUCE, organized “Austerity: What Lessons Learned for Public Services?” This event gathered key stakeholders to discuss the impacts of austerity on public services and strategize future actions. ETF General Secretary Livia Spera emphasized the need for immediate investment to protect public sector jobs and services, highlighting the contradiction between the EU’s Green Deal ambitions and current funding for public transport.
News June 19, 2024 Executive Committee of ETF met in Brussels on June 4/5 On June 4th and 5th, 2024, Brussels hosted the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) Executive Committee meeting. Trade unionists from across Europe gathered to discuss and shape the future of European transport, focusing on workers’ interests. ETF President Frank Moreels opened the meeting by underlining the need to stop the far-right, who have always worked against the interests of workers.
Statement June 10, 2024 European Transport Workers’ Federation Statement on the European Elections Despite democratic forces in the European Parliament maintaining a majority, the significant growth of the far right is deeply troubling for workers across Europe. In the EU and at national level, far-right representatives have consistently voted against workers’ rights, threatening the hard-won protections and benefits that millions rely on, including in the transport industry.
Press Release June 7, 2024 EU Talent Pool Proposal gives green light to more Grafenhausen-like cases The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) wants to expose the fundamental threat posed by the European Commission’s “Talent Pool” proposal to the integrity of transport sectors and the rights of workers. As the Council of Ministers inches closer to a potential agreement under the Belgian Presidency as early as 10 June, the ETF mobilises in a bid to halt this progression without listening to Unions.
News May 13, 2024 Train of Remembrance: A Journey of Reflection and Resistance Never again, nowhere. Last week, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU Office (FES Europa) organised an initiative called the “Train of Remembrance.” This 3-day pedagogical journey aimed to educate and empower young trade unionists by reflecting on the harrowing impact of the far-right Nazi regime during the 1940s in Germany, particularly the atrocities of the Holocaust that claimed over 6 million lives.
Publication May 8, 2024 EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers.
Statement May 7, 2024 Joint EU Trade Union statement toward the Council negotiation on the revision of the European Works Council Directive European Trade Union Federations have issued a joint letter strongly criticizing the European employers’ organizations for their opposition to the proposed revision of the European Works Council (EWC) Directive. The unions argue that the employers’ stance demonstrates a lack of understanding of the EWC Directive and a lack of effort to support policy-making based on evidence. They call on the Council to ensure that EWCs are given sufficient and enforceable rights, as well as the necessary resources to exercise them.
News April 23, 2024 Empowering Women in Transport: A Crucial Battle for Rights and Representation In a pivotal seminar held in Milan on April 10th 2024, more than 70 women from 15 countries assembled to confront the challenges faced by women in the transport sector amidst the backdrop of the growing far-right movement in Europe. The seminar welcomed not just union leaders but workers and workplace representatives from all over Europe, notably with a significant presence of Italian workplace delegates. In light of the upcoming European elections, the discourse focused on the indispensable role of women in leading the fight for equality and justice in the transport sector.
News April 22, 2024 Standing still in Solidarity: Workers in the Transport Sector Call for Safer Working Conditions Across the Netherlands on Saturday, trams, buses, metros, and trains came to a standstill for a few minutes. This pause was not due to technical issues or scheduling conflicts; rather, a symbolic protest the rising tide of violence faced by transportation workers. It’s a call to action by trade unions and companies to ensure a safer working condition. The national railways (NS) along with most public transport companies all stopped for three minutes on Saturday night at 10.30pm.
Statement April 22, 2024 ETF, CER and UITP Joint Statement on EU Economic Governance Reform ETF, UITP and CER issued a joint statement, highlighting that achieving the EU’s ambitious climate goals, particularly those related to transport emissions, hinges on significant investments in rail and urban public transport. The existing modal shift objectives established by the EU cannot be realistically achieved without a strong focus on these sectors.
Press Release April 9, 2024 EFBWW, EFFAT and ETF join forces to Combat Labour Exploitation in Subcontracting Chains and Labour intermediation EFBWW, EFFAT, and ETF have joined forces to confront the common challenges of abusive subcontracting, unregulated labour intermediaries, and insufficient enforcement of existing workers’ rights within their sectors. These issues underpin high levels of social dumping and labour crime, unequal treatment in the workplace, low wages, unrecorded working hours, disrespect for health and safety rules, and labour exploitation, especially towards migrant and mobile workers.
Statement March 21, 2024 ETF at the Tripartite Social Summit Concrete measures must be implemented to deter those who exploit the internal market by establishing letter-box companies in countries with lower working conditions and protections while providing services in more economically prosperous countries. This includes discouraging those who flout posting rules or engage in fraudulent employment schemes, thereby perpetrating social security fraud and utilizing fraudulent employment practices.
Press Release March 20, 2024 ETF welcomes important first step with Due Diligence Directive with criticism While representing a significant breakthrough and the unblocking of a worrying political stalemate, the CSDDD was severely weakened under EU Member State lobbying – with the resulting Directive left far weaker than originally intended, covering far fewer companies and workers.
News March 15, 2024 Political strikes close Finnish ports In Finland, a right-wing government has launched the most serious attack on workers’ rights and social security in the history of the Finnish welfare state. The unions are fighting to defend the country’s social model. On 11 March trade unions began a wave of political strike action that is currently intended to continue for two weeks. The strikes will, among other actions, close all cargo handling in Finnish ports. Photo: Jani Laukkanen.
Press Release February 15, 2024 ETF and ITF Urge EU Member States to Support Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and its international counterpart, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), today called on the permanent representations of EU Member States to strongly support the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) Directive during the Council vote.
News February 14, 2024 EU Elections: ETF Sectoral Manifestos Launched Building on the groundswell of support for our comprehensive “A New Deal for Fair Transport” manifesto, we are proud to announce the launch of sectoral manifestos dedicated to Aviation, Logistics, Dockers & Seafarers, and Railways. These focused documents delve deeper into the specific challenges and demands of each sector, solidifying our unwavering commitment to securing fair treatment and decent jobs for all transport workers across Europe.
Statement February 7, 2024 ETF Manifesto launched in more languages: German, Italian, French and Spanish Ahead of the 2024 European Elections, the ETF now launches its Manifesto “A New Deal for Fair Transport” in more languages. This comprehensive manifesto, that outlines a series of critical demands of European transport workers, is now available in German, Italian, French and Spanish! This manifesto is a call to action to all candidates for the EU election and European political parties to commit to these demands, advocating for a fair and just Europe that places transport workers at the forefront of its policies.
News February 6, 2024 Finland: Political Strikes in Demand for Government Dialogue Last week, Finland witnessed a significant moment in its labour movement history as thousands of workers took to the streets in a powerful demonstration against proposed government cuts. On February 1 and 2, the Finnish capital, Helsinki, became the epicentre of a massive mobilisation led by the trade union confederations SAK and STTK under the banner “STOP Now!” This nationwide protest was a direct response to the right-wing government’s plans to implement cuts in working life policies and social security, sparking widespread concern among the workforce.
News January 22, 2024 “Green Deal, Our Deal?” ETF’s Conference Highlights Urgent Need for Policy Reform in Transport Sector In her opening remarks, ETF General Secretary Livia Spera emphasised the urgent need for European and national transport policies to become more coherent and worker-centric. “Without immediate action,” Spera warned, “Europe risks facing a severe shortage of personnel to operate our trains, buses, trams, and trucks.”
News December 21, 2023 ETF Criticizes Proposed EU Fiscal Policies: A Threat to Transport Workers In response to the EU finance ministers finalising the Council’s position on reforming the EU’s economic governance rules, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) has expressed serious concerns. These reforms, perceived as a renovation of austerity measures, are detrimental to workers, and public funding for transport in Europe.
Press Release December 12, 2023 ETF Joined ETUC Demonstration in Brussels to Protest Austerity 2.0 and Advocate for Rail Freight The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), its affiliates, and a significant delegation of ETF railway workers have united with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) in a march to the European institutions in Brussels. Their purpose is to voice strong opposition to plans for the commencement of the austerity 2.0 program slated for the upcoming year.
News December 7, 2023 ETF’s Executive Committee Meeting and Approved Documents – November 2023 The ETF Executive Committee met on November 29-30, 2023, in Berlin, marking a significant gathering of unions from across Europe. During two days, several topics were discussed, namely reports on ETF’s regular projects and budget. We had the opportunity to listen to workers about the ongoing work on sustainability, equality, women and youth.
News December 7, 2023 Transport Unions Unite to Support Workers’ Rights at Tesla In a powerful display of international worker solidarity, transport unions in Sweden and Denmark have joined forces to demand that Tesla, the electric vehicle giant, respects the negotiations with IF Metall union, workers’ rights and recognizes their right to a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) stands firmly in solidarity with this ongoing strike action.
Press Release December 5, 2023 Just Transition for mobility workers: Transport and manufacturing workers speak with one voice In alignment with the upcoming EU Transport Day at COP 28, IndustriAll Europe and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) unite to present their first-ever joint Just Transition demands. This groundbreaking collaboration aims to voice the urgent need for a just and fair transition for the 20 million workers in the European mobility sector.
Press Release November 30, 2023 ETF Launches Manifesto: A New Deal for Fair Transport ETF announced the launch of the manifesto “A New Deal for Fair Transport,” today, ahead of the 2024 European Elections. This comprehensive manifesto outlines a series of critical demands aimed at reshaping the transport sector in Europe to ensure fairness, safety, and respect for all transport workers.
News November 24, 2023 Get Logistics Workers Home Safely! Logistics last mile delivery network in Europe presents a complex and challenging landscape for drivers, many of whom are not directly employed by directly by the big players likle Amazon. Instead, these drivers are part of a vast web of subcontracted companies.
Publication October 26, 2023 ETF priorities for the Revision of Driving License Directive Along with the ETF, various MEPs have spoken out against the approach to reduce minimum age for driving licenses as a solution to labor shortage in the road transport sector. As they pointed out, amending the Directive will not solve the driver shortage. In ETF’s opinion, the only way to solve the professional driver shortage is to improve wages and working conditions, as evidenced by the fact that average age for truck and bus drivers is approximately 50.
Statement September 14, 2023 President von der Leyen must back support of social partners with action! Following the SOTEU 2023, the European Transport Workers’ Federation calls on the EC President, Ursula von der Leyen, and the European Commission at large, to back statements of support for social partners and trade unions with bold and substantive actions, policy and legislation.
News September 8, 2023 Driving the future: a Just Transition to smart and sustainable mobility Faced with the major challenge of reducing emissions from transportation, transport and manufacturing workers have built a solid platform to develop joint Just Transition strategies for 20 million workers in the mobility ecosystem. Their first joint project concludes today.
News September 1, 2023 Climate change and transport – A Toolkit for Transport trade unions This “ETF Climate Change Toolkit for Transport Trade Unions” aims to raise awareness among ETF affiliates of climate change as a core trade union issue. Transport trade unions cannot wait but must act proactively in the interest of their members to ensure just transition.
Press Release July 6, 2023 ITF brings the voice of workers to Global Aviation Gender Summit 2023 Representatives ITF and ETF are attending this week’s ICAO Global Aviation Gender Summit 2023 in Madrid, Spain, to ensure the voices of women aviation workers from around the world are heard loud and clear and to press for changes that address the systemic challenges that have plagued the industry since its formation.
News June 19, 2023 United, we fight the spread of austerity measures in Europe ETF and its affiliates join the ETUC campaign to stop Austerity 2.0 and fight the spread of austerity measures in Europe. We cannot and will not accept that workers are again obliged to carry the burden of the economic crisis while corporations are using increased costs as an excuse to increase profits.
News June 2, 2023 Belgian unions set to mobilise against another legal attack on the right to strike in Europe Belgian unions stand together in their fight to defend the right to strike. They will take action next week in Brussels to oppose the so-called justice bill, soon to be presented to the labour committee of the Belgian parliament. Allowing to ban demonstrators convicted of misbehaviour at demonstrations, this bill could be just the pretext to enforce an effective blanket ban on trade unions demonstrations.
Statement May 1, 2023 Transport workers speak out on International Workers’ Day: Urgent action needed to address worker shortage ETF draws attention to the severe worker shortage in the transport sector and the urgent need to listen to transport workers’ voices.
Statement March 27, 2023 Solidarity with workers across Germany taking strike action for fair pay ETF expresses solidarity with ver.di and EVG, as well as all workers across Germany taking strike action for fair wages.
News March 24, 2023 Greening the aviation sector: trade unions insist on a Just Transition! The second European aviation Just Transition roundtable with external experts and trade unions focused on the challenges and opportunities of sustainable aviation fuels and the potential impact of the green transition on the European workforce.
Press Release March 8, 2023 Get ME home safely: Unions demand safe commuting for women transport workers Get ME home safely: ETF and transport unions across Europe advocate for safe commuting as a political, employer, and local community obligation.
Campaign March 6, 2023 Get ME home safely: Safe commuting to and from work for transport workers Get ME home safely: A campaign for safe commuting to and from work for transport workers.
Press Release February 24, 2023 Ukraine’s 400,000 transport workers kept the country moving, they deserve peace At the one-year anniversary of the onset of Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, the world’s transport unions call for PEACE!
Press Release February 21, 2023 Transport unions around the globe condemn crackdown on Tunisian workers ITF and ETF condemn Tunisian Government’s attack on trade unions. The crackdown on trade unions and civil rights – with union leaders arrested and detained – comes as a response to unprecedented protests against a power grab by President Kais Saied. Unions also denounce the Tunisian Government’s expulsion of European Trade Union Confederation General Secretary Esther Lynch.
News February 17, 2023 Unions donate to new solidarity fund for earthquake survivors in Türkiye and Syria An emergency fund to support transport workers and their unions in Türkiye and Syria in the wake of the devastating earthquakes has been launched by the ETF and the ITF.
News February 7, 2023 The future of transport, as the ETF President, Frank Moreels, sees it ETF President Frank Moreels is convinced the way forward for transport is to place people – both workers and users – at its core. Right after the ETF roundtable on the future of transport, he shared his views on how the transport sector should look like and what needs to be done to get there.
News February 3, 2023 The twin transition in transport – how to make it just for manufacturing and transport service workers On 31 January and 1 February, industriAll Europe and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) hosted the first set of workshops within the joint EU-funded project on Building a Just Transition towards a Smart and Sustainable Mobility. The goal was to understand better the trends, impacts and challenges of the twin transition and propose strategies to guarantee a fair and just transition for all workers.
Statement February 1, 2023 European trade unions call out UK government’s attack on working people The European trade union movement stands firmly in solidarity with the British trade union movement on the TUC’s national ‘protect the right to strike’ day and every day.
News January 30, 2023 Solving transport’s labour crisis requires policies that put workers first Last week, ETF launched a worker-centred discussion around the future of transport with EU Transport Commissioner, Adina Vălean, and the European Parliament’s TRAN Committee coordinators – Marin-Jean Marinescu (EPP), Petar Vitanov (S&D), Ciarán Cuffe (Greens/EFA) and Elena Kountoura (The Left).
Statement January 27, 2023 European trade unions federations on the anti-strike legislation in the UK – bin it ! The European Trade Union Federations (ETUFs) strongly condemn the UK government’s draft legislation on minimum service. It needs to be withdrawn.
News January 25, 2023 Ukraine: Solidarity Strengthened by Conflict Ukrainian unions representing millions of transport workers welcomed leaders from European and global union federations to a solidarity meeting last week.
Statement January 23, 2023 European trade unions condemn UK government’s anti-strike legislation ETF, EPSU and ETUCE, representing millions of public service, transport and education workers across Europe, strongly condemn the UK government’s plans to legislate on minimum service levels.
Statement January 16, 2023 UK government must repeal the Strikes Bill We fully support what our UK unions in what they say – this legislation serves only to criminalise and punish workers, undermine democracy at the workplace, and limit the effectiveness of all types of strike action.
News December 20, 2022 Lithuania’s labour issues require European solutions The issues trade unions and transport workers face are not just Lithuanian but European and therefore require a European solution.
Info December 14, 2022 Preparing the ETF for global changes in transport Given the strategic importance of transport as part of the EU economy, ETF is engaged in finding out more about how global economics, particularly China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), interact with EU transport and labour policies.
News December 13, 2022 Building a Just Transition to smart and sustainable mobility The European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) and industriAll Europe have embarked on a joint project to examine the impact on workers of the profound changes that will result from the decarbonisation of transport and to find ways to achieve a just transition for workers.
Statement November 24, 2022 Dignity for logistics workers is 2022’s best Black Friday deal Unions are ready to negotiate, but are e-commerce companies ready? This year’s best Black Friday deal would be one where e-commerce companies sit down and talk to unions about providing dignity at work for the millions of warehouse and delivery workers working around the clock this 25 November.
News October 7, 2022 World Day for Decent Work: Shedding light on the logistics sector’s hidden workers On World Day for Decent Work, the European Transport Workers’ Federation puts the spotlight on logistics workers: the invisible workers behind our supply chains in a rapidly growing and worryingly unregulated logistics sector.
Statement October 5, 2022 Fresh waves of transport strikes will hit Europe until workers secure decent pay Transport workers’ conditions are at an all-time low while the cost of living is at an all-time high, bringing a new wave of strikes in transport. Transport workers are determined to get their due: improved working conditions and fair pay to cope with the cost-of-living crisis.
Press Release September 20, 2022 Labour shortage cannot be solved with third-country workers, warns European Transport Workers’ Federation ETF warns against opening the EU labour market to third-country nationals without first fixing the lack of decent work in the transport industry. To do so otherwise is an open invitation for further exploitation of transport workers.
News July 6, 2022 Fighting the right fight – Europe’s hot summer of strike action When Europe’s politicians and companies refuse to listen, and have no mindset to treat workers as human beings with the right to a decent life based on a decent job with fair pay and conditions… transport workers have no choice but to take strike action.
News June 30, 2022 1960 Genoa revolt drove fascists out; the resistance continues with today’s trade unions Led by trade unionists, 62 years ago, today, the people of Genoa, Italy drove the neo-fascist Italian party out of the city on 30 June 1960. Today, ETF, in partnership with other unions across Europe, is continuing the fight of our ancestors.
News June 29, 2022 Fair Transport Rally gathers thousands ETF, alongside its transport unions and transport workers from France, Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Italy, Germany and Belgium took Lyon’s streets for Fair Transport.
Press Release June 24, 2022 Thousands to take the streets in Lyon for Fair Transport this 28 June This 28 June, the ETF – thousands of transport workers and their unions – will march in the streets of Lyon, France, for Fair Transport.
Event June 22, 2022 Fair Transport rally in Lyon, France ETF will be bringing transport workers’ voices to Lyon – it’s time for Europe to deliver Fair Transport!
News June 8, 2022 Transport unions for fair platform work As one of the fastest growing business models, most common in delivery and ride hailing in transport, platform work took centre stage at a dedicated session at ETF’s 6th Congress.
News May 26, 2022 ETF recommits to shaping future of transport and transport work At the 6th Ordinary Congress of the European Transport Workers’ Federation in Budapest – an occasion to take stock of past work and decide on future priorities – the ETF recommits to its vision for Fair Transport.
Press Release May 25, 2022 Frank Moreels and Livia Spera relected leaders of European Transport Workers’ Federation On the occasion of ETF’s 6th Ordinary Congress in Budapest, Frank Moreels and Livia Spera were elected President and General Secretary of the European Transport Workers’ Federation.
News May 24, 2022 We are all EQUALly different – ETF stands for diversity and inclusivity ETF commits to stepping up work on equality issues with Diversity and Inclusivity Event “We are all EQUALly different” in Budapest.
Statement April 26, 2022 ETF-ITF Statement on Belarus ETF and ITF call on our affiliates to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters from Belarus, to demand the immediate release of trade unionists. Please support the call of global unions by signing the petition to stop the biggest attack on a trade union in Europe this century.
News February 25, 2022 Transport unions call for immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian military from Ukraine ITF and ETF call for an immediate ceasefire in hostilities, for the conflict to return to the diplomatic level, and respect for international human rights and humanitarian law, following the military escalation in Ukraine.
News December 23, 2021 The European Commission’s Platform Proposal: a step forward for workers in the platform economy? Frank Moreels, ETF President spoke at the ITF’s Gig Economy Conference on 14 December where he outlined the significance of the new ‘EU Platform directive’
December 15, 2021 European Commission’s “efficient and green mobility package” lacks ambition to achieve social sustainability in transport The European Commission’s “efficient and green mobility package” – a series of initiatives that will affect transport workers in the long term, regrettably leaves them out of the picture – forgetting that environmental sustainability can only be achieved through social sustainability.
Issues December 9, 2021 Supply Chain Crisis – Current State of Play ETF takes a look at the hows and why of the supply chain crisis.
Press Release December 8, 2021 EU takes long-overdue first step towards fair platform work Early signals indicate that tomorrow’s European Commission proposal on the platform work will in part make good on their promise to improve the working conditions of platform workers. ETF reacts…
Statement November 25, 2021 Fighting violence against women transport workers must be a priority International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2021: ETF Executive Committee states: “Fighting violence against women transport workers must be a priority!”
Statement November 10, 2021 COP26 Transport Day: ETF calls for just transition and socially sustainable transport The ETF calls on the European Commission and world leaders at COP 26 to commit and strengthen just transition for transport workers and mandatory due diligence in the supply chain.
News November 3, 2021 ETF affiliates united for a European #Fight4FairLogistics As unions, we committed to working together to develop a European strategy to fight against the spread of unfair labour practices and business models in logistics and e-commerce across all transport sectors.
Event October 14, 2021 ETF unites to #FIGHT4FAIRLOGISTICS ETF’s transport unions from all across Europe are standing up together to advance the fight against the spread of unfair labour practices and business models in logistics and e-commerce: we’re making our fight a European one.
Statement October 12, 2021 ETF stands in solidarity with CGIL following fascist attack on headquarters This weekend, right-wing extremists and No-Vax attacked the headquarters of CGIL in Rome. The ETF strongly condemns these attacks and stands in solidarity with CGIL. For us, this is an attack on democracy and the entire trade union movement, and it shows the urgent need for the EU to take action and defend our European values with a plan to fight extreme right movements.
Statement September 2, 2021 European Commission must protect social dialogue, not undermine it! Following CJEU’s damaging ruling on how the Commission should handle EU social partner agreements, ETF, alongside EPSU and ETUC, calls on the European Commission to implement a clear and certain process to ensure that agreements can progress into the EU law as the EU treaties envisage.
Press Release July 27, 2021 “We will not be intimidated nor be silenced!” – ETF on anti-union climate in Romania On 26 – 27 July, an ETF delegation visited Bucharest in a fact-finding mission aiming to gather the last round of evidence on the state of social dialogue and the anti-union climate in Romania.
Statement July 15, 2021 Fit for 55 – environmental sustainability must be matched by social sustainability – with a just transition for transport workers The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) welcomes the ‘Fit for 55 Package’ in principle, but it must be backed by Just Transition measures and a comprehensive package of tools that better meets the needs of transport workers.
Statement June 2, 2021 ETF to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to step up for fair transport!” Ahead of tomorrow’s Transport Council which will see discussions on the Smart Sustainable Mobility Strategy, the ETF implores transport ministers to lead the debate for change and show political will to set the basis and shift the paradigm of low-cost models, liberalisation and competition based on a race to the bottom that has dominated transport policies over the last decades.
Statement June 1, 2021 ETF calls for immediate waiver of patents on Covid-19 vaccines A genuine recovery from COVID-19 will only be possible if it occurs globally and simultaneously, ensuring universal access to vaccination and medical equipment everywhere. The ETF demands that the European Commission, EU Council and all European States immediately support India and South Africa’s proposal at the WTO to fight Covid-19.
Statement May 6, 2021 New digital tools for enforcing mobile workers’ rights Ahead of the Social Summit, the ETF jointly with ETUC, EFFAT, ETF, EPSU, UNIEuropa and industriAll calls on the European Commission to not only confirm the launch of the European Social Security Pass (ESSP), but to move it forward from 2023 to 2022.
Statement April 30, 2021 Labour Day 2021: Policy makers, it’s time to take action for fair transport! Ahead of Labour Day, the ETF addresses an open letter to European and national policy makers to remind them about the reality of transport workers and urge them to take action for fair transport:
News March 11, 2021 “Fair transport remains an objective, rather than a reality” – ETF brings together key stakeholders in discussion on sustainability To kick off Sustainable Transport Days, the ETF brought together key players in EU transport and beyond to reflect on the future of these industries.
Event February 18, 2021 ETF-ETUI Sustainable Transport Days ETF-ETUI Sustainable Transport Days is a series of seminars for ETF affiliates and their members on the topic of Future of Transport policies in Europe. Seminars will kick off with an event open to all on the EU mobility strategy and Fair Transport.
Press Release February 10, 2021 Recovery and Resilience Facility: Transport Keeps Us Going Forward With the slogan “Transport for EU Recovery”, ETF, together with 31 organisations has issued a Statement on the Recovery and Resilience Facility to jointly call on Member States and the European Commission to ensure that the transport sector receives adequate consideration in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans.
News February 8, 2021 ETF and ITF outline demands for mandatory due diligence in reply to European Commission Consultation The European Commission has launched the initiative to consider introducing a European legal framework on sustainable corporate governance, covering due diligence and directors’ duty of care. In response to the Commission’s public consultation, ETF and ITF outlined their demands for mandatory due diligence.
Issues February 2, 2021 Protecting the workers behind online platforms Platform work is challenging existing labour laws and regulations protecting workers. In this new setting, the ETF and its affiliates are fighting to ensure fair working conditions and employee status for platform workers.
News February 2, 2021 #HoldBizAccountable: Workers demand accountability for rights violations Workers are joining the fight to #HoldBizAccountable. Make your voice heard and demand accountability for rights violations and environmental destruction!
News February 1, 2021 ETF pledges full cooperation with European Labour Authority to rid transport of social dumping During a meeting with ELA today, ETF stressed that workers need an active Authority that meets trade union expectations as soon as possible. ELA must become an effective body that fights cross-border fraud via joint inspections, cooperation and exchange of information between the Member States.
Statement January 7, 2021 ETF condemns direct attack on democracy in the U.S. but warns that similar assault could be on the horizon for Europe if we don’t act now The ETF condemns the blatant attack on democracy that took place in the U.S. capitol and urges the EU to act now to deter a similar situation in the future.
Press Release December 9, 2020 EU’s Mobility Strategy must step up its game in shaping socially and environmentally sustainable transport Transport workers are the sector’s “most valuable asset” reads the newly published Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, but proposed initiatives fall short in matching this statement. The ETF reiterates that to fulfil the goals of the Strategy and enable the transition to greener transport, it is essential to address social issues and foster worker engagement.
News December 3, 2020 EU Mobility Strategy – not without transport workers! In its response to the upcoming Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility, the ETF sets out five key pillars to ensure that future industrial policies for transport combine both employment and climate protection and ensure fundamental change to build an environmental and socially sustainable sector.
News December 2, 2020 ETF affiliates commit to continued Europe-wide fight for fair transport Union responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and a strong recovery that puts social first were at the heart of discussions when ETF affiliates came together online last week.
News November 26, 2020 European trade unions call for more democracy at work The ETUC and ETUFs handed over a petition for more democracy at work to the European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit and MEPs, calling for concrete and rapid actions to guarantee the effective enforcement and compliance of workers’ rights to be informed, consulted and to participate in decision-making before any decision is adopted.
News November 18, 2020 ETF meets with Commissoner Schmit to discuss key issues affecting transport workers ETF met with Commissioner Schmit to discuss key issues affecting transport workers. Livia Spera, ETF General Secretary, extended an invitation to build, together with Commissioner Schmit, a new vision for the future of transport work.
News November 13, 2020 ETF becomes permanent addition to Transport Community’s Social Forum meetings Transport Community’s Social Forum adopted its rules of procedure, and the ETF is now permanently invited to their meetings. A most welcome step forward as the Social Forum is a tool for increased engagement with transport unions in the Western Balkans.
Statement November 9, 2020 Digitalisation & Automation: Passau Declaration on Smart Mobility excludes transport workers and just transition The Declaration promotes the benefits that automation and digitalisation can bring to European transport but leaves out those who will be directly impacted by the implementation of these new technologies: the millions of transport workers that move Europe forward. ETF has written to the Council of the EU, EFTA Secretariat, German Presidency, Permanent Representations of EU Member States to express concerns
News October 14, 2020 Climate Law Proposal: ‘Targets are not enough!’- Introducing ETF’s Policy on Climate Neutral Transport MEPs gave the green light to the new EU emission reduction target for 2030: 60% A good step, but targets are not enough to achieve the transition to climate-neutral transport. We need structural change! Environmental and social sustainability go hand in hand! In its Policy on Climate-Neutral Transport, the ETF lays out six key principles for a socially sustainable climate policy.
News September 25, 2020 ETF’s take on the Digital Services Act: ‘Platform work requires more attention!’ As part of the European Digital Strategy, the European Commission is currently working on the new Digital Services Act. The ETF replied to the consultation, but firmly states that the issue of platform work requires more attention and a specific focus rather than being added to a consultation on another topic.
Event September 24, 2020 Tune in to our first round of ETF Talks on October 7 – Trade Unions Build Back Better! ETF is launching its first round of ETF Talks – Conversations that put social first! First topic? Trade unions build back BETTER!
Statement September 21, 2020 #EU4FairWork – End bogus self-employment! The ETF takes part in the European Commission’s Week of Action to tackle undeclared work by shedding light on the growing issue in various transport sectors – bogus self-employment.
News September 17, 2020 ETF brings transport workers’ voices to the table at social partners’ Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy hearing Yesterday, ETF’s sections made their demands on the future EU mobility strategy loud and clear at the Social Partners’ dedicated hearing. Workers must be at the centre of the strategy if the Commission truly wishes to achieve sustainability in transport.
Issues September 11, 2020 No Automation & Digitalisation without Negotiation! Workers and their unions must be involved in the processes that implement technological developments to ensure that they are fair and that no worker is left behind!
Issues September 11, 2020 Green and Social Transport Social issues and environmental concerns are two sides of the same coin. Fighting social dumping and climate action is one and the same struggle. Ongoing
News September 10, 2020 Fair recovery: only if we reform transport policies! Taking the floor at a panel discussion at ETUC’s annual European Works Council conference, Livia Spera, General Secretary of European Transport Workers’ Federation denounced the many transport companies taking advantage of the crisis to lower working terms and conditions and disrespecting social dialogue and consultation rights at all levels.
News July 15, 2020 World Youth Skills Day 2020 – Skills for a resilient transport sector! On World Youth Skills Day 2020, the ETF highlights the need for quality training, skills, room for professional development to attract young workers to the transport sector, but above all emphasises the need for decent working conditions!
News July 8, 2020 ETF appeals to Trio Presidency ministers: It’s time for a fair, socially sustainable transport sector! Responding to their Trio Programme, ETF addressed a letter to transport ministers of Germany, Slovenia, and Portugal, urging them to use their presidencies to steer European transport to a fair future.
News June 18, 2020 “Do it!” – EU Recovery Plan must pave the way for fair transport ETF joins the ETUC in calling on the EU Council to speed up payment of EU emergency support for health and protecting incomes and jobs and agree on an EU Jobs Recovery Plan for massive investment & solidarity. For the transport industry, a recovery plan should not be back-to-business-as-before – a policy shift must accompany it!
News June 16, 2020 ETF’s open letter to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to shape a fair future transport policy!” In an open letter addressed to the EU’s Transport Ministers, the ETF makes a plea for a transparent, inclusive, and open process to shape up the future transport policy.
Issues August 14, 2018 Megatrends Climate change. Digitalisation and automation. Demographic shifts. Globalisation. The world is changing around us, and so is society. What will this mean for the transport sector and its workers? Our research helps unions prepare to act.