News March 24, 2025 Resilient waterborne logistics supply chains are key to EU competitiveness 17 industry organisations published joint paper today to welcome the upcoming maritime and port strategies and emphasize the workers’ perspective. Key initiatives recently proposed include regulatory simplification, lowering market entry barriers to enhance competition, facilitating access to finance to bolster competitiveness, the attention to industrial clusters, promoting labour upskilling and quality employment, and improving policy coordination at both the EU and national levels.
News March 21, 2025 Port Work in Transition: ETF Dockers at Connecting Ports #11 The ETF made its points clearly to the discussion during the recent Connecting Ports Session edition “Port Work in Transition – Balancing progress and change in sustainability, automation, and digitalization,” held on the 20th of March 2025 and hosted by HPC Hamburg Port Consulting. With around 100 participants from over 30 countries, the event served as a global platform to explore the evolving landscape of port work in the face of sustainability, automation, and digitalization.
News February 4, 2025 New EU Maritime Strategy: We Need Enhanced Seafarer Protections and Sustainable Shipping The ETF has welcomed the EESC’s opinion, noting its alignment with the federation’s long-standing advocacy for fair treatment and improved working conditions for seafarers. The inclusion of these key elements in the opinion reflects the collaborative efforts of trade unions and workers’ representatives in shaping a more equitable and sustainable future for the maritime industry.
News January 24, 2025 The European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) and European Shipowners launch European Maritime Skills Forum This initiative aims to identify skills gap emerging from the digital and green transition and discuss the shortage of maritime professionals and limited mobility between land and on-board positions.
News November 7, 2024 ETF Urges Stricter Regulations and Accountability for Shadow Fleet Operations The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) is calling for urgent action to combat the rise of so-called “shadow fleets,” which continue to operate outside international norms, undermining basic worker protections, environmental safeguards, and maritime safety regulations. These fleets, comprising vessels with obscure ownership and frequently shifting registries, expose serious flaws in international shipping practices by allowing companies to bypass regulatory oversight, evade sanctions, and neglect seafarers’ rights.
News July 11, 2024 Seafarers Go Digital – Launched Initiative to Support Shipping and Seafarers in the Digital Transition The initiative raises awareness on key areas such as onboard digitalisation, cybersecurity, internet access onboard, e-certification, digital skills and attractiveness of the maritime profession and put forwards policy recommendations for further cooperation between the industry and the unions, the policymakers, and relevant stakeholders.
Statement February 19, 2024 The Red Sea crisis and the attacks on commercial vessels The ETF is calling once more for the safety of seafarers to be paramount. All the disruption on the supply chain, the skyrocketing of the shipping prices and the insurance coverage together with the overall impact in the economy are very serious consequences, but are only secondary commercial considerations in comparison with the risk posed for the safety of seafarers.
News February 14, 2024 EU Elections: ETF Sectoral Manifestos Launched Building on the groundswell of support for our comprehensive “A New Deal for Fair Transport” manifesto, we are proud to announce the launch of sectoral manifestos dedicated to Aviation, Logistics, Dockers & Seafarers, and Railways. These focused documents delve deeper into the specific challenges and demands of each sector, solidifying our unwavering commitment to securing fair treatment and decent jobs for all transport workers across Europe.
Press Release December 16, 2023 ETF and ECSA express deep concerns over attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) call for immediate action to urgently address this alarming situation. The lives and safety of our seafarers are put at risk, with attacks increasing on a daily basis. Seafarers are the beating heart of the shipping industry, and their ability to perform their duties without fear for their safety is essential.
News September 15, 2023 Water Transport Employment in Europe: The Role of Governance The European waterborne transport sector should be considered a strategic and key asset. It is just one of the conclusions the ETF underlines in the recently published final report of the EU-funded project “A fair and sustainable waterborne transport in Europe”. The report assesses the current state of water transport employment in Europe, links it to water transport governance and provides recommendations for reform.
Press Release July 24, 2023 European trade unions say only mandatory standards can rescue troubled ferries sector – European, global unions ETF and ITF welcome the bilateral France – UK agreement over voluntary seafarer employment and welfare standards. Yet, they call together for the adoption of mandatory seafarer employment standards on European shipping routes, underpinned by sectoral collective bargaining rights.
News June 25, 2023 Happy International Day of the Seafarer 2023! Seafarers have a unique role and active contribution to protecting the marine environment. Happy Seafarers’ Day with clean oceans for a sustainable future for all humankind!
News June 1, 2023 Redefining maritime transport professions After 4.5 years of exceptional contributions and hard work from all partners, the closing conference of the SkillSea project concluded yesterday in Brussels. when a new maritime skill sea strategy was launched.
News May 18, 2023 International Day for Women in Maritime 2023 The ETF is working to address the current gender imbalance in the maritime, is promoting the role of women in the maritime industry as well as gender diversity and equality and is fighting gender stereotypes and gender discrimination.
Press Release April 13, 2023 SkillSea starts a European network for maritime education and training By signing a Memorandum of Understanding under the SkillSea European project, STC Group and ENSM will closely collaborate on topics such as energy transition and digitization of ships and on further developing skills such as collaboration and leadership.
News April 3, 2023 Women in the port and maritime sector, why not? ETF is part of the “Women in Port & Maritime Sector. Why not?” project organised by the municipality of Livorno/Italy. This project is aiming to promote knowledge of the work done by women in the port and maritime sector.
Press Release March 16, 2023 One year on: inaction over illegal P&O Ferries sackings shows UK workers’ rights in freefall A year after P&O Ferries illegally sacked almost 800 UK seafarers, European and global unions call for the UK Prime Minister to crack down on corporations who break the law and violate the labour rights of British workers.
News March 15, 2023 No more P&Os! Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the P&O seafarers’ mass sacking, ETF expresses its support and solidarity with our affiliates in the UK. Together with them, we said it loud, in one voice: “No More P&Os!”
News February 16, 2023 A European Maritime Space for Socially Sustainable Shipping: The Answer to Social Dumping in the Maritime Sector It’s time for Europe to get serious about enhancing seafarers’ living and working conditions and protecting its maritime jobs and maritime skills base! The time has come for the European Commission and the industry to take social dumping and unfair competition out of the EU/EEA.
News February 10, 2023 Skill Sea project, almost at its end Launched to ensure the region’s maritime professionals possess key digital, green and soft management skills for the rapidly changing maritime labour market, the 4-year project SKILLSEA is approaching its end.
News January 10, 2023 WESS Project in a nutshell As the EU Social Partners, ETF and ECSA have worked closely together for over two years under the joint WESS project for an attractive, smart and sustainable working environment in the shipping sector.
Event January 10, 2023 For a safer and better future in seafaring The shipping industry needs more diversity and inclusion, decent working conditions, and more robust career prospects with meaning and value. Those working in this field are responsible for making this profession more attractive.
Press Release May 25, 2022 Frank Moreels and Livia Spera relected leaders of European Transport Workers’ Federation On the occasion of ETF’s 6th Ordinary Congress in Budapest, Frank Moreels and Livia Spera were elected President and General Secretary of the European Transport Workers’ Federation.
Press Release May 11, 2022 P&O Ferries sackings: unions trigger UN investigation over UK’s failure to enforce laws that protect workers A number of unions and global union federations have written to the International Labour Organization (ILO — part of the UN) asking it to urgently intervene on behalf the 800 seafarers who were illegally fired and cruelly mistreated by P&O Ferries
News April 28, 2022 No sustainable progress can be achieved with ‘a race to the bottom’ approach No sustainable progress can be achieved in any industry, whether maritime or otherwise, while countries and companies remain engaged in a race to the bottom regarding tax and labour policies, which circumvent collectively agreed working conditions, including wages.
News March 29, 2022 It is high time to deliver a European Maritime Space for fair and sustainable shipping The shocking and unprecedented sackings at P&O Ferries will not help level the playing field in European waters. It is high time to deliver a European Maritime Space for fair and sustainable shipping.
News March 25, 2022 Social security coverage for seafarers is rather a matter of cooperation Better social security coverage for seafarers residing in EU countries is above all a matter of cooperation between national authorities.
Press Release March 21, 2022 P&O Ferries sackings show a shocking disregard by DP World for workers’ rights and its own standards The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) are calling on DP World to engage in meaningful dialogue with affiliates RMT and Nautilus International about P&O Ferries’ future. The company now has serious questions to answer following the ruthless sacking of 800 seafarers at its subsidiary P&O Ferries.
Statement March 17, 2022 ITF and ETF condemn P&O mass sacking and outsourcing ETF and ITF condemn the P&O ferry operator’s intention to sack its UK based seafaring workforce and outsource their jobs to non-union, agency workers.
News February 10, 2022 ETF calls on member states and the European Commission to show political will and take action for sustainable and quality shipping in Europe A Fair and Sustainable Shipping is our proposal for a future European Maritime Space. To start building together the foundation of such a future space, an essential aspect needs to be addressed from the very beginning: how can EU initiatives contribute to sustainable and quality shipping in Europe by promoting a race to the top instead of a race to the bottom?
News December 7, 2021 ETF, in solidarity with all Greek seafarers asking for meaningful social dialogue and respect
News October 1, 2021 ETF and ECSA are ready to deliver better responses for future challenges of the workforce in maritime transport The final report of the EU-wide project MapMar is out! The aim of the project was to examine how to improve the way data is collected on employment of maritime professionals and to offer concrete recommendations on how to build an adequate data collection system.
Statement July 28, 2021 ETF and ECSA welcome WHO decision to prioritise seafarers’ vaccination The World Health Organisation has included seafarers that should be prioritised for Covid-19 vaccination in the context of limited supplies.
News July 15, 2021 Occupational health and safety: FuelEU Maritime lacks long-term vision Without delay, the European Commission must consider health and safety aspects to complete the FuelEU Maritime initiative.
Statement June 25, 2021 Day of the Seafarer: Give them a fair future! On this year’s Day of the Seafarer, we call for a fair future – seafarers have a message on what they think it should look like!
News June 10, 2021 Global minimum tax: a game changer for EU shipping? In light of the G7 summit of leaders starting this Friday, the ETF reiterates its call for an international agreement on a global minimum tax for multinational companies.
Statement June 2, 2021 ETF to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to step up for fair transport!” Ahead of tomorrow’s Transport Council which will see discussions on the Smart Sustainable Mobility Strategy, the ETF implores transport ministers to lead the debate for change and show political will to set the basis and shift the paradigm of low-cost models, liberalisation and competition based on a race to the bottom that has dominated transport policies over the last decades.
Statement June 2, 2021 ETF and ECSA renew their joint call for prompt seafarers’ vaccination ECSA and ETF would like to draw the attention of the Ministers of Transport to the recently adopted ILO Resolution on COVID-19 vaccination for seafarers which recognizes the importance of seafarers as key workers and calls upon States to provide seafarers with access to COVID-19 vaccination at the earliest opportunity.
News May 12, 2021 Could a global minimum tax be a game-changer for the way EU shipping is governed? The OECD proposal for a global minimum tax for multinational companies would ensure that corporations pay taxes and participate to the common societal effort regardless of where they base their operations.
Statement April 30, 2021 Labour Day 2021: Policy makers, it’s time to take action for fair transport! Ahead of Labour Day, the ETF addresses an open letter to European and national policy makers to remind them about the reality of transport workers and urge them to take action for fair transport:
News April 26, 2021 Seafarers’ “special status” continues to be used against them – it’s time to stop Seafarers are often labelled as a “special case” and excluded from legislation protecting workers’ rights in land-based sectors, undermining their rights and protection. This must stop – seafarers are not second-class workers and should be covered by the EU legislation minimum standards applicable to all workers.
Statement April 20, 2021 ETF and ECSA reiterate call for recognition of seafarers as key workers ETF and ECSA call for the classification of seafarers as key workers and an introduction of specific rights and entitlements for seafarers everywhere.
Statement April 20, 2021 The container ship Ever Given and what hides behind maritime accidents ETF affiliate FSC-CCOO’s reflects on the lessons learned from the Suez Canal blockage and the instability caused by flags of convenience. The ETF joins their call for an investigation into the causes of the blockage and stronger protections of seafarers.
News April 1, 2021 The working day in the Merchant Marine Cristian Castaño, FSC-CCOO, reflects on the globalised nature of shipping, international legislation, and the protection of seafarers’ rights.
News March 11, 2021 “Fair transport remains an objective, rather than a reality” – ETF brings together key stakeholders in discussion on sustainability To kick off Sustainable Transport Days, the ETF brought together key players in EU transport and beyond to reflect on the future of these industries.
Press Release March 8, 2021 ETF-ECSA: EU shipping needs to attract and retain more women On International Women’s Day, ECSA and ETF continue to advocate the enhanced participation of women in European shipping. As part of the WESS project, they are launching a survey that will help them determine the current state of women’s employment in the sector and assess women seafarers’ needs, a first step of an EU-funded project to increase women’s participation in the shipping industry.
Event February 18, 2021 ETF-ETUI Sustainable Transport Days ETF-ETUI Sustainable Transport Days is a series of seminars for ETF affiliates and their members on the topic of Future of Transport policies in Europe. Seminars will kick off with an event open to all on the EU mobility strategy and Fair Transport.
News February 2, 2021 #HoldBizAccountable: Workers demand accountability for rights violations Workers are joining the fight to #HoldBizAccountable. Make your voice heard and demand accountability for rights violations and environmental destruction!
News January 21, 2021 EU Member States must enable crew changes to take place without further delays and prioritise seafarers for vaccination In a letter to Heads of State and Government of EU Member States, the ETF and ECSA called on EU Member States to enable crew changes and give seafarers priority access to COVID-19 vaccines.
News December 21, 2020 Coming home for Christmas: transport workers need guarantees, or essential goods will not reach the destination! The ETF calls on the UK Government, the European Commission and national governments to come up with clear guarantees for truck drivers to return from the UK, and seafarers to be able to take part in crew changes.
Press Release December 14, 2020 Maritime social partners request the European Commission to follow up on prompt and predictable disembarkation of rescued people in distress at sea ECSA, the ETF, the ICS and the ITF addressed a joint letter to Commission President Von der Leyen, Vice President Schinas, Commissioner Johansson and Commissioner Vălean reiterating their call for the European Commission to follow up on the promise to ensure prompt and predictable disembarkation of people in distress at sea rescued by merchant vessels and their crews.
Press Release December 9, 2020 EU’s Mobility Strategy must step up its game in shaping socially and environmentally sustainable transport Transport workers are the sector’s “most valuable asset” reads the newly published Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, but proposed initiatives fall short in matching this statement. The ETF reiterates that to fulfil the goals of the Strategy and enable the transition to greener transport, it is essential to address social issues and foster worker engagement.
News December 4, 2020 Social partners urge EU transport ministers to prioritise seafarers’ needs during the holiday period Ahead of the Informal Videoconference of the Ministers of Transport on 8 December 2020, ETF and ECSA urge EU Member States to make the wellbeing of seafarers a priority during the holiday period.
News December 3, 2020 EU Mobility Strategy – not without transport workers! In its response to the upcoming Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility, the ETF sets out five key pillars to ensure that future industrial policies for transport combine both employment and climate protection and ensure fundamental change to build an environmental and socially sustainable sector.
News December 2, 2020 ETF affiliates commit to continued Europe-wide fight for fair transport Union responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and a strong recovery that puts social first were at the heart of discussions when ETF affiliates came together online last week.
News November 26, 2020 European trade unions call for more democracy at work The ETUC and ETUFs handed over a petition for more democracy at work to the European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit and MEPs, calling for concrete and rapid actions to guarantee the effective enforcement and compliance of workers’ rights to be informed, consulted and to participate in decision-making before any decision is adopted.
News November 25, 2020 Image Line Communications appointed to implement the Women in Shipping priority actions CSA and the ETF are happy to announce that they have appointed ‘Image Line Communications’ as the lead agency to support them with the implementation of the priority actions identified in their joint declaration of intention on the enhanced participation of women in EU shipping.
News November 18, 2020 ETF meets with Commissoner Schmit to discuss key issues affecting transport workers ETF met with Commissioner Schmit to discuss key issues affecting transport workers. Livia Spera, ETF General Secretary, extended an invitation to build, together with Commissioner Schmit, a new vision for the future of transport work.
News November 18, 2020 Crisis as a game-changer: The future of waterborne transport is fair In light of Digital Transport Days taking place on 18 November, ETF Maritime team has published a paper on the future of waterborne transport. ETF’s vision of a fair and sustainable future of waterborne transport shows that there is an alternative to the current business practices in the sectors.
News November 9, 2020 EU must not abandon seafarers – whatever the flag under which they sail and whatever their nationality To alert EU Commissioners to the continuing crisis onboard ships and the urgent need for member states to act, ETF addressed a letter to Commissioners Vălean, Schmit and Johansson. Flag states must ensure the repatriation of seafarers stranded at sea. It is not generosity, but an obligation under maritime law.
Press Release October 19, 2020 ETF submits a case concerning social security of Belgian seafarers to the attention of the ELA On 16 October, ELA celebrated a one-year anniversary of its establishment. European trade unions call for a follow-up on existing abuse cases and submitted additional ones. ETF contributed a case concerning the responsibility of flag states Cyprus and Madeira for social security of seafarers.
News October 9, 2020 Meet the Team: Estelle Brentnall, ETF Head of Maritime We check in with Estelle Brentnall to catch up about her work: the expectations, the reality, and the upcoming priorities for the maritime team.
News October 7, 2020 ‘ETF Talks’ launch on World Day for Decent Work: Trade Unions Build Back Better! In honour of World Day for Decent Work, the ETF has released its very first episode of ETF Talks: Conversations that Put Social First! This very first segment, Trade Unions Build Back Better!, focuses on the effects of COVID-19, the vital role of trade unions, the road to recovery, and what the future of transport could look like and what it will look like if workers are not an integral part of it all.
News October 2, 2020 Rescue at sea: the Commission’s Migration Pact lacks solidarity and clarity The European Commission published a New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Initial analysis of the text revealed that the document still lacks solidarity, as well as legal clarity and coordinated solutions for cases where commercial vessels and their crew are involved in rescuing migrants and refugees.
News September 23, 2020 World Maritime Day: Sustainable working environments are essential for a sustainable maritime future ETF Maritime team issues an open letter on World Maritime Day, calling on the EU to be the leading force in working towards true sustainability, in promoting high social and environmental standards, and reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.
News September 17, 2020 ETF brings transport workers’ voices to the table at social partners’ Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy hearing Yesterday, ETF’s sections made their demands on the future EU mobility strategy loud and clear at the Social Partners’ dedicated hearing. Workers must be at the centre of the strategy if the Commission truly wishes to achieve sustainability in transport.
News September 10, 2020 Fair recovery: only if we reform transport policies! Taking the floor at a panel discussion at ETUC’s annual European Works Council conference, Livia Spera, General Secretary of European Transport Workers’ Federation denounced the many transport companies taking advantage of the crisis to lower working terms and conditions and disrespecting social dialogue and consultation rights at all levels.
Union Action August 7, 2020 French Union CGT calls on government to facilitate crew changes and garners support from Member of the French National Assembly, Sophie Panonacle Complimentary to our recent letter to the French government on crew changes, our affiliate, national French trade union CGT sent a letter to Annick Girardin, French Minister of the Sea which drew the attention of Sophie Panonacle who has, in turn, sent additional letters to the Minister of the Sea as well as the French Foreign and Europe Minister.
Union Action July 20, 2020 Cross-border union cooperation results in repatriation of sick seafarers Cooperation between a Rusian union (SUR), a European (ETF) and a global (ITF) federation, resulted in successful repatriation of three Russian seafarers.
News July 16, 2020 Maritime social partners meet with Commissioner Vălean Today, European maritime social partners ETF and ECSA met with European transport commissioner, Adina-Ioana Vălean. They discussed the most urgent issues in the industry as well as more long-term measures that can improve the lives of seafarers.
News July 15, 2020 World Youth Skills Day 2020 – Skills for a resilient transport sector! On World Youth Skills Day 2020, the ETF highlights the need for quality training, skills, room for professional development to attract young workers to the transport sector, but above all emphasises the need for decent working conditions!
News July 8, 2020 ETF appeals to Trio Presidency ministers: It’s time for a fair, socially sustainable transport sector! Responding to their Trio Programme, ETF addressed a letter to transport ministers of Germany, Slovenia, and Portugal, urging them to use their presidencies to steer European transport to a fair future.
Press Release July 7, 2020 Maritime industry urges EU leadership: Facilitate repatriation, crew changes, shore leave and medical attention! In the lead up to the European Parliament’s plenary session on 8 July, maritime industry stakeholders call upon European leaders to show political leadership and commitment to the welfare of seafarers.
News July 2, 2020 ETF on long-awaited social study on maritime transport: we stand ready to contribute to further action! ETF Maritime section responds to DG Move’s long-awaited report of a study on social aspects of maritime transport in the EU.
News July 1, 2020 ETF on the EU’s Motorways of the Sea: new implementation plans are an improvement but social aspects still missing ETF responds to the European Commission’s new MoS Detailed Implementation Plan 2020.
Statement June 25, 2020 Day of the Seafarer 2020: Let them go home! ECSA and the ETF: The EU has to start acting to resolve the current crew change crisis
News June 18, 2020 “Do it!” – EU Recovery Plan must pave the way for fair transport ETF joins the ETUC in calling on the EU Council to speed up payment of EU emergency support for health and protecting incomes and jobs and agree on an EU Jobs Recovery Plan for massive investment & solidarity. For the transport industry, a recovery plan should not be back-to-business-as-before – a policy shift must accompany it!
News June 16, 2020 ETF’s open letter to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to shape a fair future transport policy!” In an open letter addressed to the EU’s Transport Ministers, the ETF makes a plea for a transparent, inclusive, and open process to shape up the future transport policy.
News June 12, 2020 ETF and ECSA call upon Health Ministers to support actions on the national level to ensure crew changes ETF and ECSA addressed a letter to Health Ministers today, calling upon them to support collective actions on the national level to ensure crew changes can happen. Time is now!
News June 5, 2020 COVID-19: Seafarers continue working, but are denied basic human rights An ILO webinar on COVID-19 and maritime labour issues took place online this morning, with representatives of various industry stakeholders taking place, including Nautilus International, ETF affiliate, represented by Mark Dickinson.
News June 4, 2020 COVID-19: Shipping industry repeats demand for EC and member state action to enable crew changes In anticipation of today’s meeting of the Transport Ministers and tomorrow’s Home Affairs Ministers meeting, ETF and ECSA, together with Cruise Lines International Association and World Shipping Council, addressed a joint letter to ministers.
News May 27, 2020 European research confirms the need for innovation in maritime education A new report of the SkillSea project confirms that digitisation and modern technologies have been rapidly changing the maritime sector in recent years. European maritime professionals, both at sea and ashore, need more digital and soft skills to stay ahead of the industry.
News May 26, 2020 COVID-19: Urgent action needed to facilitate issuance of EU Schengen Visas ETF and ECSA addressed a letter to the European Commission and from the EU Member States, urging them to take action to ensure seafarers are admitted into the EU Schengen territory for the purpose of joining their ships or to be repatriated.
Statement May 22, 2020 COVID-19: Joint statement by ETF, ECSA and EMPA on protective measures in maritime transport ETF, ECSA and EMPA welcome the recommendations by the European Healthy GateWays and call for a common approach for the health and safety of maritime transport workers and smooth and efficient operations in ports.
Statement May 20, 2020 COVID-19: ETF reacts to EC’s guidelines for travel and transportation On May 13, the European Commission adopted guidelines and recommendations to “help Member States lifting the travel restrictions”. What is the real added value of these guidelines for transport workers in the EU? The ETF answers this question with comments, recommendations and sector-specific remarks.
Union Action May 18, 2020 COVID-19: German initiative helps stranded seafarers connect Ver.di took joint action with their social partner German Shipowner Association and provided prepaid mobile phone cards and Wi-Fi boxes to seafarers.
Press Release May 15, 2020 Dismissals at P&O Ferries: ETF and its affiliates stand together for fair working conditions and equal treatment ETF deplores P&O Ferries’ proposal to make 1,100 redundancies amongst key workers in Dover, Hull, Liverpool, Cairnryan and Larne including over 900 UK seafarers. We believe that any public funding received by shipping companies to address the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic should be conditional on the protection of local employment and the Collective Bargaining Agreements with the ETF’s UK affiliates for the long term.
News May 14, 2020 COVID-19: ETF and ECSA advocate for effective action on crew changes ETF, in cooperation with its social partner ECSA, has urged EU Commissioner for transport Adina-Ioana Vălean to step up coordination efforts to facilitate crew changes in the EU Member States.
Union Action May 8, 2020 COVID-19: Unions providing a welcoming space for seafarers in Antwerp The Antwerp Harbour hotel has been co-governed by trade unions for many years. Most of the time, it operates as a regular hotel, but since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, its role has grown significantly.
Union Action May 6, 2020 COVID-19: Ukrainian seafarers’ union and community welfare Ukrainian Marine Transport Worker’s Trade Union has had its hands full in the past months, addressing the effects of the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to negotiations and offering advice to members, they have also been providing community support in the form of financial assistance, PPE and other key protective equipment.
News April 30, 2020 May Day 2020: Why trade unions matter now more than ever Now more than ever, it is important to acknowledge transport workers all over Europe and highlight the key role unions will play in protecting their working conditions, wages and employment after the health crisis subsides.
Statement April 28, 2020 IWMD: Hold your applause, protect transport workers’ safety! Today, we remember the dead and fight for the living! Transport workers deserve dignity and safety at work and we are fighting for their rights!
Union Action April 27, 2020 COVID-19: Seafarers’ unions secure workers’ repatriation Border closures and travel restrictions put in place in response to COVID-19 have created miserable conditions onboard ships. Three of the ETF affiliate unions report on their actions in securing the easier movement of seafarers.
Union Action April 24, 2020 COVID-19: Czech union action relieves seafarers’ worries Recently, the Czech Ministry of Transport adopted extraordinary measures concerning Czech seafarers. The work of Czech Trade Union of Seafarers was key in getting the measure in place swiftly.
Worker's Story April 22, 2020 COVID-19: Seafarers’ trying journeys Kees Wiersum, a Dutch captain, shares some insights into the life on board during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Statement April 22, 2020 ETF addresses letter to German Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure ahead of German Presidency in Council of the EU In the light of the upcoming German Presidency in the Council of the European Union, the ETF has addressed a letter to Andreas Scheuer, Germany’s Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. We pinpoint the issues in the transport sector that are currently of the utmost urgency in the context of the COVID-19 crisis as well as outline our priorities for the future EU transport policy.
News April 15, 2020 COVID-19: As issues persist in European transport, ETF calls for swift action While some action has been taken by the European Commission to address the issues related to COVID-19, much more is required to ensure the safety and wellbeing of transport workers. ETF responds to this situation with a letter to Commissioner Vălean.
News April 10, 2020 COVID-19: Transport workers have a right to protective equipment! ETF prepared an overview of EU legislation that protects workers’ right to protective equipment in the workplace.
Statement April 3, 2020 “Time for real Europeans to stand up!”, says Frank Moreels Frank Moreels, president of European Transport Workers’ Federation, is urging European leaders to take heed as the COVID-19 crisis further exposes the cracks in the foundation of the transport industry.
Union Action April 2, 2020 Union action in the time of COVID-19: Affiliate actions Our affiliates are hard at work defending workers’ rights! You can find their actions here!
Statement March 26, 2020 Social partners voice their disapproval of CBER prolongation in a letter to von der Leyen In response to the recent CBER prolongation, social partners sent a letter to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, expressing their disapproval of the decision pointing to the negative consequences of this action. The decision was not subject to a proper prior evaluation of effects and will likely have detrimental effects on many companies and workers of the logistics and supply chains in the EU.
Statement March 19, 2020 COVID-19: ETF responds to the outcome of Council of Transport Ministers Meeting In the wake of the informal meeting of the Council of Transport Ministers, the ETF has once again sent a letter to Commissioner Vălean. The ETF waited for the outcome of this meeting, in hopes that concrete measures to protect our transport workers would emerge from it. What emerged was the exact opposite, and we are extremely disappointed in the Council’s (un)willingness to tackle this safety emergency that poses a threat, which grows by the minute, for transport workers.
News March 19, 2020 Radical changes required to future-proof training and education of maritime professionals As part of the SkillSea project, a new report was released – Current Skills Needs: Reality and Mapping. Researchers surveyed more than 1,600 maritime professionals – 1,149 seafarers and 474 shore-based personnel – to get their views on the adequacy of current maritime training and education and what they consider to be the most important skills needs.
Statement March 18, 2020 COVID-19: Joint Maritime Transport Social Partners’ letter Maritime transport Social Partners – ETF and ECSA – sent a letter to the Ministers of Transport ahead of the meeting of European Union Transport Ministers on the implications of COVID-19 on transport. In view of the vital importance of shipping and related services for the EU and its citizens, ECSA and ETF call on the European Commission and the Member States to take decisive and assertive action in facilitating the supply chains and seafarer travel, providing much-needed support to the industry and workforce.
News March 17, 2020 COVID-19: Latest developments from transport workers around Europe Ahead of tomorrow’s extraordinary meeting of the Council of Transport Ministers, the ETF is once again reiterating its previous demands to the European Commission and has sent an overview of the latest developments in the transport industry.
Statement March 13, 2020 COVID-19: Transport workers need protection and Europe needs to act now! ETF is now once again calling upon the Commission to take concrete action to protect Europe’s transport workers as new developments arise every day. Reports received from around Europe show that some employers are not taking the pandemic seriously, and are putting workers in danger with their failure to act appropriately.
Statement March 13, 2020 “People must be put first!” – ETF reaction to the Opatija Declaration On Wednesday, EU Transport Ministers adopted the Opatija Declaration on the future outlook of EU Waterborne Transport. ETF welcomes the attention given to some of the ongoing industry challenges, and at the same time highlights several points that we believe merit further consideration and follow-up both of the EU Member States and the European Commission.
News March 9, 2020 COVID-19: ETF calls upon Commissioners Vălean and Schmit to devise a plan that protects transport workers! In view of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak and its on impact transport workers, we sent a letter to Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport and Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights where we outlined our concerns, and what a plan to remedy the current situation should look like.
Event February 25, 2020 The future of European Shipping needs to be social! Last week, European Shipping Week 2020 was held in Brussels, organised by the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA). This year, the ETF Maritime Transport section took part in a variety of ways, with trade union representatives from nine different countries attending and contributing to the programme.
Event February 10, 2020 Where can you find us during the 2020 European Shipping Week? In addition to an event on seafarers’ employment organised by ETF affiliates, we will be involved in a number of other events together with the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA). We will be presenting results from joint projects and upcoming activities, as well as offer a better insight into the perspective of seafarers in terms of skills needs, digitalization, and equal opportunities.
News January 17, 2020 ETF joins maritime industry statement on the application of EU Visa Code to seafarers Obtaining a valid visa to go on shore, is an important aspect of seafarers’ wellbeing. Shore leave is a right for every seafarer and after spending many nights onboard it is paramount for maintaining good health. When ships are in ports, seafarers should, therefore, be able to easily leave the ship regardless of their nationality. Existing procedures within the EU however often impede on time granting of visas to seafarers. This has a major impact on their mental health and wellbeing. ETF, therefore, calls on EU Member States to ensure the implementation of the Code is adequately applied to seafarers.
Statement January 15, 2020 European minimum wage initiative – Consultation is underway! On 14 January, the European Commission launched First phase consultation of Social Partners on a possible action addressing the challenges related to fair minimum wages. While the ETF strongly believes that workers of Europe need a pay rise, we don’t support simplistic approaches and half-baked solutions that could endanger the autonomy of social partners around the continent. A simple prescriptive mechanism cannot solve wage stagnation – instead, we need to address the core causes of it, such as precarious work, anti-union measures, digitalisation, and austerity.
Statement December 18, 2019 Through the eyes of transport workers: more needs to be done for the rights of migrants! The work of the ETF has always been about decent work, decent life, and justice. All of these themes are central to today’s International Migrants Day, the day that combines the aspirations of migrants – people searching for a decent life, decent work, and struggling for justice.
News December 18, 2019 Water transport sectors meet in Hamburg to discuss the impacts of automation & digitalisation On 11 and 12 December, workers and union representatives from the water transport sectors met in Hamburg for a workshop on automation and digitalisation. The workshop is part of the project ETF Automation & Digitalisation Toolkit, aimed at developing tools to empower workers during the processes of automation and digitalization (A&D).
News December 16, 2019 Young transport workers in Europe survey Who are you, young transport workers in Europe? We are curious to know what you think about your work and the future of the sector. What are some of the main issues you face at work and are trade unions there to help you overcome them? How can we do better? Please fill in our short survey!
Statement December 11, 2019 ETF’s first reaction to the European Green Deal ETF welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on the European Green Deal. As representatives of transport workers in Europe, we are perfectly aware that in order to mitigate climate change it is crucial to transform the transport sector. In this first reaction to the Communication, we want to highlight several issues that are crucial for transport workers.
News December 5, 2019 General Strike in France: ETF stands in solidarity! We stand with our French affiliates and support their national strike. May their voices be heard! Solidarity.
News November 25, 2019 Time’s Up for Violence Against Women! To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, ETF’s Acting General Secretary, Livia Spera, has joined other women trade union leaders in signing a letter to the European Commission President-designate Ursula von der Leyen, and Equality Commissioner-designate, Helena Dalli, on their proposals to increase EU action against violence against women.
News November 19, 2019 World Toilet Day 2019: Toilet rights are a human right! The lack of accessible sanitation facilities and sufficient break times is an issue that heavily affects transport workers in all sectors. That’s why today of all days especially, the ETF calls for safe, decent and sufficient toilets and other sanitation facilities for all transport workers in Europe.
Event November 5, 2019 ETF Fair Shipping Conference created momentum for real action in the EU shipping industry ETF presented its concept of a European maritime Space for Socially Sustainable Shipping to a wide range of high-level stakeholders at the Fair Shipping Conference on 5 November 2019 in Brussels. The Commission was called on to take action and consider the concept as a possible way to address social dumping in European waters.
Event October 24, 2019 ETF Dockers & Seafarers wrap up joint project by agreeing on shared action plan Just Yesterday, October 23, ETF Seafarers and Dockers wrapped up the closing event of their joint EU-funded project for a stronger and more sustainable European maritime sector. This final seminar was dedicated to identifying common priorities and developing joint activities and strategies for the coming years. ETF Dockers and Seafarers finished by agreeing on a shared action plan and committing to systematically continue cooperation through joint meetings and campaigns both on a European and an international level.
Event October 16, 2019 ETF’s Fair Shipping Conference – make shipping in Europe fair! ETF will present its proposal for a European Maritime Space for Socially Sustainable Shipping during the Fair Shipping Conference on November 5, 2019. Join the debate and discuss alongside key policymakers from the European Commission, experts, and stakeholders!
News September 20, 2019 Transport workers for climate justice ETF joins the Global Action Week for Climate and calls for climate justice for transport workers!
Statement July 3, 2019 Saving a life is NOT a crime! We welcome the release of Captain Carola Rackete An Italian judge has ordered the release of the captain of the Sea Watch 3, a migrant rescue ship who had been arrested for breaking an Italian naval blockade after saving the lives of 40 migrants in the Mediterranean. Her release is a victory for justice, but this humanitarian crisis cannot be tackled by NGOs or merchant ships alone. The EU and its Member States must work together to save lives and share the burden of dealing with this crisis.
News June 20, 2019 Svitzer workers go on strike in The Netherlands for the 9th time! Workers at the Dutch tug company continue their fight to get their overtime paid. Instead of working for free, they decided to do voluntary work in a different way: they got elderly people from a retirement home on board of boats and gave them a tour of the port!
Worker's Story June 12, 2019 A tug worker sends an SOS call about social dumping A tug captain from Antwerp has issued an SOS call, asking for action against social dumping in the sector. His story highlights a specific case of unfair competition in Belgium, but it is a story that will echo with tug captains across Europe. The ETF is building a network of tug captains, and we will stand with them in their struggle to defend decent pay and conditions in this vital profession.
News May 24, 2019 Could conditional maritime subsidies boost employment and training for European-based seafarers? At the ITF-OECD Summit on “Transport Connectivity for Regional Integration”, we discussed subsidies and non-European investment in the maritime and port industries. Subsidies are needed to protect Europe’s shipping sector from unfair competition, but they should be tied to the creation of jobs, decent conditions, training and the greening of the sector.
Press Release May 9, 2019 ETF Appoints Livia Spera as Acting General Secretary Today our Executive Committee, meeting in London, approved the nomination of Livia Spera as Acting General Secretary. Livia was until now the Political Secretary for Dockers and Fisheries, and will take on the role immediately.
News April 30, 2019 Svitzer workers strike in The Netherlands – their fight is our fight! Despite the actions undertaken in the recent days, the Svitzer workers from The Netherlands are forced to strike today since the company refuses to have meaningful negotiations on legitime pay rise and better conditions for tug workers.
Press Release April 18, 2019 ETF and ECSA welcome the adoption of the Regulation establishing a European Maritime Single Window environment The establishment of a European Maritime Single Window environment should deliver a long-awaited administrative simplification for masters and officers working onboard ships calling at EU ports. This should contribute to reducing stress and fatigue, and should be accompanied by adequate training and support from staff ashore.
Statement April 16, 2019 EU Parliament vote on TPWCD: progress for precarious workers but discrimination for workers at sea MEPs have voted on the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive. The package will give enhanced rights to some categories of workers, but seagoing workers are still excluded. A joint letter with EPSU, EuroCOP and EUROMIL expresses our disappointment.
News April 10, 2019 Solidarity to Dutch colleagues! The ETF Tug Committee expresses its solidarity to the Dutch colleagues fighting for better conditions in Svitzer.
Press Release April 4, 2019 EP vote for improving the centralised mechanism for the recognition of the maritime education and certification systems of seafarers The ETF welcome today’s vote in the EU Parliament on the minimum level of training for seafarers. There was indeed substantial scope for improving the efficiency of the administrative framework regarding the mutual recognition of training and certification systems foreseen under directive 2008/106/EC.
Statement March 29, 2019 ETF is moving forward! As we celebrate the success of our Fair Transport campaign, we are already at work creating the ETF of the future. A special conference gathered affiliates to set a course and explore new ways of working. Commitment was strong, and now it is time to build an even stronger federation for Europe’s transport workers!
News March 27, 2019 Thousands of workers block Brussels for Fair Transport Workers from every corner of Europe and every transport sector brought our campaign to a dizzying end. Thousands marched on the European Commission demanding decent work and the end of social dumping.
News March 26, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day four It’s the final day of actions around Europe, and many affiliates start their journey to Brussels. Meanwhile, our rally in Strasbourg attracts the support of MEPs.
Event March 26, 2019 Transport workers, trade unions and MEPs all together for a Fair Transport Our Fair Transport action week is for workers and policymakers all over Europe. But of course the European Parliament is a very special audience for us. That is why hundreds of transport workers from different countries were in Strasbourg today for a demonstration with trade unions and MEPs.
News March 25, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day three The third day of our action week saw workers demanding fair transport on boats, underground, at ports and at airports…
News March 24, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day two Day 2 of our international action week sees another impressive mix of actions, debate and personal stories – as ever more workers start the trip to Brussels for our demonstration on 27 March.
News March 23, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day one The first day of our Fair Transport action week is behind us and ETF affiliates have already taken part all over Europe. We are astonished at the support that we got in only 36 hours.
News March 21, 2019 European Tug workers show solidarity to their colleagues from Panama International solidarity works!
Event March 21, 2019 Tug workers meet in London. Let’s fight together for fair conditions! Participants from 10 countries meet to talk about the challenges facing the tug sector and its workers. We committed to further cooperation and also discussed future dialogue with representatives of tug industry employers.
News March 19, 2019 Fair Tugging Campaign ETF affiliates in Belgium, Italy, Spain and UK are flying the flag in support of our Fair Tugging Campaign!
News February 27, 2019 It’s time to take Fair Transport Europe to the next level! In just one month, thousands of workers will be converge on Brussels for a huge demo to mark the high point of our Fair Transport Europe campaign against social dumping. We will march through the city and raise our voice to demand that politicians and employers put an end to exploitation and unfair competition!
Event February 18, 2019 Port and maritime workers come together to explore EU rules on shipping alliances Ever-larger shipping alliances have a huge impact on both the maritime transport and port sectors – and their workers. Now the EU is planning to update its Consortium Block Exemption Regulation, so we brought maritime and port workers together to decide our position on the issue.
News February 5, 2019 Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive: ETF strongly opposes exclusion of seafarers and fishers Seafarers and fishermen are often denied basic rights granted to onshore workers. Now they could once again pay a heavy price. EU member states are about to finalise new rules that would exclude seagoing workers from the right to basic information about their own working conditions. How can they justify that?
Statement December 17, 2018 An ETF Statement on Sea Rescue in the context of the migrant crisis In the context of the migrant crisis and the many casualties in the Mediterranean Sea, the ETF calls on shipowners to support masters and crew being criminalised for rescuing people in distress and demands EU Member States to invest in more and better rescue services.
News December 6, 2018 The impact of Brexit on seafarers: social partners call for urgent action Brexit has all kinds of implications. Seafarers holding Certificates of Competency (CoC) issued by the UK risk losing opportunities for employment. We urge the European Commission and EU member states to agree a pragmatic solution.
Statement November 27, 2018 ETF and ECSA pledge to work for enhanced participation of women in European shipping European social partners for maritime transport release joint declaration of intention. This is just part out work for equal opportunities in transport, and follows the thematic workshop we held in June 2018.
Event November 21, 2018 Driving the change: joint dockers and seafarers training on trends in shipping and ports The second in our series of four joint seminars looked to the future, giving workers and unions the knowledge they need to change policy.
News November 20, 2018 ETF and partners launch EU-funded project for futureproof skills in maritime transport European maritime sector receives EU funding for a ‘SkillSea’ project for sectoral co-operation on skills and training.
News June 26, 2018 European social partners eager to make shipping more attractive for women seafarers
News June 25, 2018 ETF marks Day of the Seafarer 2018 by launching working group on seafarers’ wellbeing
Statement June 21, 2018 Solidarity with tug workers on the Panama Canal At its first meeting the ETF Tug Steering Committee sent a solidarity message to workers on the Panama Canal.
News June 21, 2018 Tug Steering Committee Chairs elected Jacques Kerkhof (Belgium) will be Chair and Richard Crease (UK) as Vice-Chair.
Press Release June 8, 2018 European and International Social Partners in the Maritime Sector call for specific procedures for seafarers to obtain Schengen visas
Press Release March 8, 2018 Maritime unions and employers on International Women’s Day 2018 – The Time is NOW European shipowners and transport workers are jointly marking International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
Press Release February 23, 2018 Lashing is dockers’ work! Union struggle achieves major victory for European dockers
News January 31, 2018 Tomorrow’s shipping will still need skilled maritime professionals: Commissioner Bulc hears ETF’s opinion on future of maritime sector
Press Release December 7, 2017 Council of the EU agrees to implement ECSA-ETF agreement on decent work for seafarers
Press Release November 9, 2017 EU Social Partners keep up momentum on safety and labour conditions in fishing
Press Release November 9, 2017 An ambitious proposal to ease the administrative burden on seafarers and operators is needed
Press Release July 27, 2017 European maritime social partners welcome the directive ensuring the welfare of seafarers
Press Release March 2, 2017 Seafarers Matter Conference calls on EU decision makers to promote Fair Shipping
Press Release October 14, 2016 The Social Partners’ Agreement becomes EU Directive which paves the way towards decent work in the fishing sector
Press Release June 24, 2016 Joint ETF-ECSA Press Release – European social partners stand firm against criminalisation of seafarers
Press Release May 3, 2016 ETF and ECSA Joint Declaration on the risks of the Zika virus and guidance to stay safe for crews onboard ships calling in affected countries
Event October 26, 2015 S&D MEPs stand together with ETF for an upwards social harmonisation of European shipping
Press Release October 20, 2015 How to rejuvenate EU-based maritime employment? ETF seminar aims to draw up a social agenda to ensure a future for EU seafarers
Statement October 7, 2015 ETF/ITF affiliates representing workers in the tug and towage sector met in London end September 2015
Press Release October 2, 2015 Shipping sector receives Seafarer of the Year award for role in migrant rescues
Statement September 24, 2015 Solidarity with the Tug workers on the Panama canal ETF/ITF Tug Conference issued solidarity statement
Statement September 21, 2015 We must end the war on tug tarrifs Major tug operators are consolidating in order to increase profit margins by imposing unfair tariffs and demands on local tug operators.
Press Release June 2, 2015 ECSA and ETF share a common vision on social-related issues of the Commission’s Mid-Term maritime strategy review
Press Release May 18, 2015 Social partners welcome positive agreement in trialogue on social directives
Statement April 23, 2015 Make the human element the center of the EU Maritime Transport Strategy policy review
Press Release April 20, 2015 Philippines workers’ human rights violating giant in spotlight of annual fair
Press Release April 8, 2015 Thousands of Lives Will Be Lost in the Mediterranean Unless EU Governments Take Urgent Action
News March 11, 2015 Kick off for new Tug Network ETF and ITF affiliates declare their renewed intention to engage in closer cooperation…
News November 24, 2014 Seafarer and Docker union leaders warn European Commission over euro ports plans
Press Release November 24, 2014 Seafarer and docker union leaders warn European Commission over Euro ports plans
Statement September 18, 2014 ETF casts a critical eye over the Mid-Term Review of the EU’s Maritime Transport Policy
Press Release August 4, 2014 Joint ICS, IMEC, ITF press release: Global shipping bodies issue Ebola virus advice
Press Release June 5, 2014 IBF press statement: Industrial relations collective, the International Bargaining Forum, concludes the final round of negotiations for 2015-2017 IBF Framework Agreement
Statement April 2, 2014 Joint ETF-ECSA statement calls upon the EU to act promptly in tackling piracy in the African region
Press Release January 28, 2014 Social partners present training toolkit to eradicate bullying and harassment in shipping
Press Release October 14, 2013 EU Commission blows opportunity to link State aid to shipping jobs and training for community seafarers
News October 1, 2013 Joint ETF-ECSA declaration calls EU to curb growing piracy threat in Gulf of Guinea
Press Release September 19, 2013 Advance notice to press: Handing over of letter of protest in Châtel-St-Denis, Switzerland, September 26