News January 10, 2025 ETF Youth Winter School: The Rise of a New Union Generation A new generation of union leaders is rising in Europe’s transport sector. Last December in Sofia, they came together to tackle the industry’s biggest challenges – from platform work to far-right extremism, proving that young unionists are “not only the future but the present” of our movement for transport workers’ rights.
News February 7, 2023 Youth Week at the ETF ETF Youth representatives met in Brussels the third week of January for ETUI – ETF Young Workers Academy and ETF Youth Committee.
Press Release May 25, 2022 Frank Moreels and Livia Spera relected leaders of European Transport Workers’ Federation On the occasion of ETF’s 6th Ordinary Congress in Budapest, Frank Moreels and Livia Spera were elected President and General Secretary of the European Transport Workers’ Federation.
News May 23, 2022 Welcome to our new ETF Youth Steering Committee! ETF Youth conference officially opened the 6th ETF Congress week in Budapest. The competition for the people representing the Youth Committee for the five coming years was passionate but fair!
Statement April 30, 2021 Labour Day 2021: Policy makers, it’s time to take action for fair transport! Ahead of Labour Day, the ETF addresses an open letter to European and national policy makers to remind them about the reality of transport workers and urge them to take action for fair transport:
Press Release December 9, 2020 EU’s Mobility Strategy must step up its game in shaping socially and environmentally sustainable transport Transport workers are the sector’s “most valuable asset” reads the newly published Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, but proposed initiatives fall short in matching this statement. The ETF reiterates that to fulfil the goals of the Strategy and enable the transition to greener transport, it is essential to address social issues and foster worker engagement.
News December 7, 2020 ETF commits to the fight for equality ETF Executive Committee adopted a resolution calling on the ETF and its affiliates to actively address the topics of diversity, equality and representation in their structures and their work.
News December 2, 2020 ETF affiliates commit to continued Europe-wide fight for fair transport Union responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and a strong recovery that puts social first were at the heart of discussions when ETF affiliates came together online last week.
News November 27, 2020 Webinar: effects of automation and digitalisation on young transport workers The ETF Youth Committee organised a webinar to discuss the impact of automation and digitalisation on young workers and needed trade union response, and to present examples of how unions have been using digital tools to their advantage.
News September 17, 2020 ETF brings transport workers’ voices to the table at social partners’ Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy hearing Yesterday, ETF’s sections made their demands on the future EU mobility strategy loud and clear at the Social Partners’ dedicated hearing. Workers must be at the centre of the strategy if the Commission truly wishes to achieve sustainability in transport.
News September 10, 2020 Fair recovery: only if we reform transport policies! Taking the floor at a panel discussion at ETUC’s annual European Works Council conference, Livia Spera, General Secretary of European Transport Workers’ Federation denounced the many transport companies taking advantage of the crisis to lower working terms and conditions and disrespecting social dialogue and consultation rights at all levels.
News July 15, 2020 World Youth Skills Day 2020 – Skills for a resilient transport sector! On World Youth Skills Day 2020, the ETF highlights the need for quality training, skills, room for professional development to attract young workers to the transport sector, but above all emphasises the need for decent working conditions!
News June 18, 2020 “Do it!” – EU Recovery Plan must pave the way for fair transport ETF joins the ETUC in calling on the EU Council to speed up payment of EU emergency support for health and protecting incomes and jobs and agree on an EU Jobs Recovery Plan for massive investment & solidarity. For the transport industry, a recovery plan should not be back-to-business-as-before – a policy shift must accompany it!
News April 30, 2020 May Day 2020: Why trade unions matter now more than ever Now more than ever, it is important to acknowledge transport workers all over Europe and highlight the key role unions will play in protecting their working conditions, wages and employment after the health crisis subsides.
Statement April 28, 2020 IWMD: Hold your applause, protect transport workers’ safety! Today, we remember the dead and fight for the living! Transport workers deserve dignity and safety at work and we are fighting for their rights!
News April 10, 2020 COVID-19: Transport workers have a right to protective equipment! ETF prepared an overview of EU legislation that protects workers’ right to protective equipment in the workplace.
Statement April 3, 2020 “Time for real Europeans to stand up!”, says Frank Moreels Frank Moreels, president of European Transport Workers’ Federation, is urging European leaders to take heed as the COVID-19 crisis further exposes the cracks in the foundation of the transport industry.
Union Action April 2, 2020 Union action in the time of COVID-19: Affiliate actions Our affiliates are hard at work defending workers’ rights! You can find their actions here!
Statement March 19, 2020 COVID-19: ETF responds to the outcome of Council of Transport Ministers Meeting In the wake of the informal meeting of the Council of Transport Ministers, the ETF has once again sent a letter to Commissioner Vălean. The ETF waited for the outcome of this meeting, in hopes that concrete measures to protect our transport workers would emerge from it. What emerged was the exact opposite, and we are extremely disappointed in the Council’s (un)willingness to tackle this safety emergency that poses a threat, which grows by the minute, for transport workers.
Statement March 13, 2020 COVID-19: Transport workers need protection and Europe needs to act now! ETF is now once again calling upon the Commission to take concrete action to protect Europe’s transport workers as new developments arise every day. Reports received from around Europe show that some employers are not taking the pandemic seriously, and are putting workers in danger with their failure to act appropriately.
News March 9, 2020 COVID-19: ETF calls upon Commissioners Vălean and Schmit to devise a plan that protects transport workers! In view of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak and its on impact transport workers, we sent a letter to Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport and Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights where we outlined our concerns, and what a plan to remedy the current situation should look like.
Statement January 15, 2020 European minimum wage initiative – Consultation is underway! On 14 January, the European Commission launched First phase consultation of Social Partners on a possible action addressing the challenges related to fair minimum wages. While the ETF strongly believes that workers of Europe need a pay rise, we don’t support simplistic approaches and half-baked solutions that could endanger the autonomy of social partners around the continent. A simple prescriptive mechanism cannot solve wage stagnation – instead, we need to address the core causes of it, such as precarious work, anti-union measures, digitalisation, and austerity.
Statement December 18, 2019 Through the eyes of transport workers: more needs to be done for the rights of migrants! The work of the ETF has always been about decent work, decent life, and justice. All of these themes are central to today’s International Migrants Day, the day that combines the aspirations of migrants – people searching for a decent life, decent work, and struggling for justice.
News December 16, 2019 Young transport workers in Europe survey Who are you, young transport workers in Europe? We are curious to know what you think about your work and the future of the sector. What are some of the main issues you face at work and are trade unions there to help you overcome them? How can we do better? Please fill in our short survey!
Statement December 11, 2019 ETF’s first reaction to the European Green Deal ETF welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on the European Green Deal. As representatives of transport workers in Europe, we are perfectly aware that in order to mitigate climate change it is crucial to transform the transport sector. In this first reaction to the Communication, we want to highlight several issues that are crucial for transport workers.
News December 5, 2019 General Strike in France: ETF stands in solidarity! We stand with our French affiliates and support their national strike. May their voices be heard! Solidarity.
News November 28, 2019 ETF Women’s Committee elects Sara Tripodi as new chairwoman The ETF Women’s Committee elected Sara Tripodi (FILT CGIL, Italy) as their new chairwoman. New women representatives in the ETF Executive Committee, a women’s representative in the ETF Management Committee and a new Committee member were also elected. Congratulations to all!
News November 25, 2019 Time’s Up for Violence Against Women! To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, ETF’s Acting General Secretary, Livia Spera, has joined other women trade union leaders in signing a letter to the European Commission President-designate Ursula von der Leyen, and Equality Commissioner-designate, Helena Dalli, on their proposals to increase EU action against violence against women.
News November 19, 2019 World Toilet Day 2019: Toilet rights are a human right! The lack of accessible sanitation facilities and sufficient break times is an issue that heavily affects transport workers in all sectors. That’s why today of all days especially, the ETF calls for safe, decent and sufficient toilets and other sanitation facilities for all transport workers in Europe.
News September 20, 2019 Transport workers for climate justice ETF joins the Global Action Week for Climate and calls for climate justice for transport workers!
Statement August 12, 2019 Youth labour movements call for quality education for all 12 August is marked by the United Nation’s International Youth Day. In 2019, the main theme is ‘Transforming Education’. Inclusive and equitable societies start with ensuring a good start for everyone – this is why global labour youth movements are calling on this day to ensure that all young people have access to quality education and training!
Event June 7, 2019 Young dockers at the negotiating table! This year our young dockers from 8 European countries were invited by the ETF and Solidarność to Gdynia in Poland. The main activity was a training workshop and role playing exercise about how to succeed in collective bargaining negotiations. The participants also discussed the recent EU elections, ways to build powerful youth movements, and the role of unions in Poland’s rebellion against dictatorship.
News May 10, 2019 Fair Transport in Europe: Young workers on the move Our young workers have a special role to play in the Fair Transport action week. They are traveling through Europe to the demo in Brussels, gathering stories from workers and unions to show the daily reality of social dumping. Check out their video diaries here!
Press Release May 9, 2019 ETF Appoints Livia Spera as Acting General Secretary Today our Executive Committee, meeting in London, approved the nomination of Livia Spera as Acting General Secretary. Livia was until now the Political Secretary for Dockers and Fisheries, and will take on the role immediately.
Statement March 29, 2019 ETF is moving forward! As we celebrate the success of our Fair Transport campaign, we are already at work creating the ETF of the future. A special conference gathered affiliates to set a course and explore new ways of working. Commitment was strong, and now it is time to build an even stronger federation for Europe’s transport workers!
News March 27, 2019 Thousands of workers block Brussels for Fair Transport Workers from every corner of Europe and every transport sector brought our campaign to a dizzying end. Thousands marched on the European Commission demanding decent work and the end of social dumping.
News March 26, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day four It’s the final day of actions around Europe, and many affiliates start their journey to Brussels. Meanwhile, our rally in Strasbourg attracts the support of MEPs.
Event March 26, 2019 Transport workers, trade unions and MEPs all together for a Fair Transport Our Fair Transport action week is for workers and policymakers all over Europe. But of course the European Parliament is a very special audience for us. That is why hundreds of transport workers from different countries were in Strasbourg today for a demonstration with trade unions and MEPs.
News March 25, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day three The third day of our action week saw workers demanding fair transport on boats, underground, at ports and at airports…
News March 24, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day two Day 2 of our international action week sees another impressive mix of actions, debate and personal stories – as ever more workers start the trip to Brussels for our demonstration on 27 March.
News March 23, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day one The first day of our Fair Transport action week is behind us and ETF affiliates have already taken part all over Europe. We are astonished at the support that we got in only 36 hours.
News February 27, 2019 It’s time to take Fair Transport Europe to the next level! In just one month, thousands of workers will be converge on Brussels for a huge demo to mark the high point of our Fair Transport Europe campaign against social dumping. We will march through the city and raise our voice to demand that politicians and employers put an end to exploitation and unfair competition!
News December 17, 2018 ETF Youth Committee meets delegation of young Turkish workers On 12-13 December, the ETF Youth Committee gathered in Istanbul, Turkey, to discuss the challenges facing young transport workers across Europe.
Event June 22, 2018 Young Dockers discuss burning issues in the future of dockwork More than 40 young dockers from 14 unions and 10 countries travelled to Walsrode, Germany, for the second ETF young dockers meeting. They discussed port automation and solidarity, while sharing experiences about how to organise young dockers and make them active trade union members. Their aim is to build a fair future for dockworkers.
Press Release October 15, 2014 Young workers describe “emergency situation” to all major European Parliament groups
Press Release April 4, 2014 Youths lead the 50000 strong European trade union demonstration to reclaim their future
Press Release April 2, 2014 Six European Trade Union Federations shock Brussels with flash mob to highlight the critical situation of young workers in Europe
Press Release March 7, 2014 European Trade Union Federations launch campaign to reclaim youth’s future
News September 11, 2013 Setting up the ETF Youth Committee The Transunion Youth project established our ETF Youth Committee.