The ETF and its affiliated organisations organised today a successful number of actions to protest at the European level against the plans of the European Commission to liberalise the domestic road transport sector.
By now, Siim Kallas has already received thousands of messages saying “NO” to further liberalisation in the sector, and asking him to stop social dumping in road transport.
This action day is part of a vast trade union European campaign meant to make our voice heard.
During the exchange of views organised by the European Parliament on 23 April, I pointed out on behalf of the ETF that we strongly oppose a new wave of liberalisation in road transport, and that on contrary, measures must be taken against unfair competition and social dumping, via a better enforcement of the current legislation. Both European sectoral social partners, the ETF and the IRU, stressed that the expansion of illegal transport puts at threat the fair competition. We stressed too that the European Commission ignores the employers and trade unions, despite their concrete proposals on enforcement and better compliance with the rules, in the sector.
One of the most important proposals, in our view, is to “Determine a binding roadmap for fiscal, road safety and social related harmonisation and enforcement (which includes a list of legal and non-legal initiatives to take in order to achieve progress; a reporting mechanism should be defined for the Member States on the situation of the road haulage market on their territory and for the European Commission on progress in harmonisation.)”
The Members of the European Parliament of EPP, S&D, and the Greens expressed themselves unanimously against any new proposal the European Commission may come up with on the further liberalise the road haulage market.
The ETF cannot accept that the European Commisison refuses to listen to the European trade union and employers organisations, the European Parliament and the large number of EU Member States who also positioned themselves against liberalisation.
We have to continue our fight till such time the European Commission will listen.
A warm ‘Thank you’ to all our trade union members and activists who joined our today’s action!