Aviation week at ETF

Last week, aviation week was held at the ETF, where we gathered our members from JAC, GSC and ATM Committees in Brussels for their specific sector meetings, the Civil Aviation Section meeting, and the Civil Aviation Sectoral Social Dialogue.

26 Oct 2022

Sustainable Aviation

The sustainable aviation vision of the European Transport Workers’ Federation.

1 Sep 2022

Collapse of EU Air Traffic Management social dialogue

Successful implementation of the Single European Sky directly depends on the adoption of a social and human dimension roadmap for the SES that can only be achieved with the full commitment of all parties.

Press Release
26 Apr 2022

Solidarity Statement with EUROCONTROL workers

Air safety goes hand in hand with workers’ rights. EUROCONTROL workers face threats of worsening working conditions in what should be Europe’s air safety nerve center.

7 Oct 2021

European Parliament approves dangerous air traffic management reform

TRAN Committee position in support of controversial Single European Sky 2+ and Performance Review Body reforms of the air traffic management sector favours liberalisation, ignoring workers’ concerns, and showing little consideration for the social and human consequences the major reform will have.

23 Jun 2021