Organising road Road transport is a cross-border activity; this calls for cross-border cooperation between trade unions to defend drivers’ rights due to the increasing complexity of mobile workers’ issues. In 2017, the ETF set up an International Trade Union Cooperation Office gathering five trade unions from Belgium, Denmark, Romania and Sweden. The aim? To assist in organising and defending Romanian truck drivers working abroad to ensure that employers respect their national and European rights! Campaign 20 Jan 2021
Union action in the time of COVID-19: ver.di calls for respect and solidarity with truck drivers! German transport ministry takes up the issues raised by ver.di on appalling conditions at motorway service stations! Union Action 2 Apr 2020
Temporary exemptions from driving and rest time rules granted by EU Member States due to the coronavirus crisis resource 23 Mar 2020
COVID-19: Member States adopt temporary relaxation of driving and rest time rules ETF would like to stress that this must be a temporary measure, strictly limited to the transport of goods of strict necessity! News 23 Mar 2020
Following a major raid at Amazon distribution centre in Austria, ETF and vida call for supply-chain liability in e-commerce A large-scale raid at the new Amazon parcel distribution centre in Großebersdorf, near Vienna in Austria took place mid-February. In total, 174 employees at 36 subcontractors (transport companies) were subject to inspection. Violations of labour legislation were found in 49 cases and a bogus company with 20 employees was detected. News 5 Mar 2020