european union

European aviation sector is not in the clear yet

The European aviation sector needs dedicated support measures in order to survive the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ETF urges European institutions as well as Member States to provide additional support measures to the European aviation sector and its workers.

14 Jun 2021

Recovery and Resilience Facility: Transport Keeps Us Going Forward

With the slogan “Transport for EU Recovery”, ETF, together with 31 organisations has issued a Statement on the Recovery and Resilience Facility to jointly call on Member States and the European Commission to ensure that the transport sector receives adequate consideration in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans.

Press Release
10 Feb 2021

COVID-19: Transport workers need protection and Europe needs to act now!

ETF is now once again calling upon the Commission to take concrete action to protect Europe’s transport workers as new developments arise every day. Reports received from around Europe show that some employers are not taking the pandemic seriously, and are putting workers in danger with their failure to act appropriately.

13 Mar 2020